Zusammenfassung der Ressource
chronicles, columns and news
- news
- it's a event new o
- its kinds are :
- political
- economy
- social
- it's shared through the media
- radio
- newspapaer
- T.V
- internet
- it answered
- what
- who
- how
- when
- where
- why
- for what
- chronicle
- it is use in historiography
- it's history register
- use a cronological order
- its etimology
is : books that
follow the
order of time
- it's a narration
that follow the
time's order
- annals
- it
the events
for each
- kinds
- live
- it continue accumulating
events after be written
- death
- when it just written
don't continue
- columns
- journalistic genre
- article that is
written by a
specific person
in a newspaper
- free topic
- it is written
for a only
- the kinds are :
- informatic
- opinion
- personal
- homoristic
- personalitis
- revoltillo
- literary
- social
- analitical
- newspaper's division
- it is newspaper's form division
- is used every
time in news