Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Presente simple
- I, you, we, they
- He, She, It
- affirmative: subject + verb
- negative: subject+auxiliar verb (to do)+negative auxiliar (not) + verb
- Interrogative: auxiliar verb (to do)+subject+main verb?
- Hablar de cosas que suceden habitualmente. Se suele utilizar con adverbios de tiempo (always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never: I am always happy.
- Para hablar de generalidades o hechos: She works in a hospital. - Elephants lives in África.
- Eventos en el futuro próximo: The train leaves ay 10:00.
- Instrucciones: Open the Window.
- talk, eat, learn, do, go
- talks, eats, learns, does, goes