Traditional Marxism (Conflict Theory)


Mindmap am Traditional Marxism (Conflict Theory), erstellt von Sarah Mather am 10/06/2013.
Sarah Mather
Mindmap von Sarah Mather, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sarah Mather
Erstellt von Sarah Mather vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Traditional Marxism (Conflict Theory)
  1. Brief Overview
    1. Structural/macro/top-down - individuals are puppets of society
      1. Based on conflict of the bourgoeisie (ruling class) and the proletariat (working class)
        1. Marx in hi study of Utopian Socialism idenitifed 6 stages (epochs) of human society which are notably the "mode of production"
          1. Primitive Communism, Slavery, Feudalism, Capitalism, Socialism and Communism
        2. Capitalist Mode of Production
          1. The worker (proletarian) sells their ability to work which is known as their 'labour power' to a captialist. The capitalist then exploits their ability pays them little money. Workers work long hours, yet the capitalists gain the profit (surplus value) for their company.
          2. Alienation
            1. People are working slaves and lost control over the means of production.
            2. Superstructure
              1. Societal Institutions
                1. e.g. family, education, religion, media and criminal justice system.
                2. Controlled by r/c ideology
                3. Superstructure
                  1. Economy
                    1. Changes in the infrastructure lead to changes in the superstructure.
                  2. Fase Class Consciousness
                    1. Unawareness of exploitation
                      1. When people become aware, they are likely to revolt
                    2. Revolution
                      1. Transfer into a socialist era
                        1. Examples are the 2011 summer riots, 1980's Brixton Riots - Gilroy Empire Strikes Back
                        2. Polarisation
                          1. Of the working class
                            1. E.g. the difference between skilled and unskilled labour - can link to the idea of cultural capital (Bourdieu) and language codes (Bernstein)
                            2. The w/c = the oppressed, the r/c = the oppressor
                            3. Althusser (1971)
                              1. Relative autonomy
                                1. Ideological and repressive state apparatuses
                                  2. Class ineuqality is made socially acceptable
                                    1. The media act as an ideological smoke screen providing a distration from 'real' societal issues/capitalism.
                                      1. This maintains a degree of FCC
                                  3. Evaluation
                                    1. Marx made a significant contribution in understanding class inequalities
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