
Mindmap am BIRTH VALUES, erstellt von Isabella Capezio am 20/03/2018.
Isabella Capezio
Mindmap von Isabella Capezio, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Isabella Capezio
Erstellt von Isabella Capezio vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Mood setting
    1. dim lighting
      1. salt lamp
      2. Entertainment
        1. walking
          1. stairs
          2. Crosswords
            1. Distractions
              1. music - I pod & bose
                1. camera & polariod
                2. Pain relief
                  1. tennis balls
                    1. heat pack
                      1. hot towels
                        1. bucket
                      2. ice
                        1. Breathing execises
                          1. rainbow adventure
                            1. counting game
                              1. add a "yes"
                              2. bath & shower
                                1. scratchy feelings
                                  1. fingernails
                                    1. comb on back
                                    2. Things to bring
                                      1. Refreshments
                                        1. labour aid
                                        2. honey
                                          1. dates
                                          2. baby clothes
                                            1. Spray bottle
                                              1. Serious pads
                                                1. Swiss ball
                                                  1. essential oils
                                                  2. birthing requests
                                                    1. Dan to catch le baby
                                                      1. delayed cord clamping
                                                        1. birth placenta
                                                          1. 2 hours with the baby no visitors after birth
                                                            1. talk Nat through all internals and talk through process frequemtly checking in
                                                              1. Fewest interventions necessary
                                                                1. Fewest drugs possible
                                                                2. Keeo birth team to a minium
                                                                3. general support
                                                                  1. hand holding
                                                                    1. holding the head forehead & back
                                                                      1. stroking
                                                                        1. massage
                                                                          1. acupressure points
                                                                            1. strong holding
                                                                              1. squatting & swaying
                                                                                1. encourage movement
                                                                                  1. Psychological support
                                                                                    1. empathy not sympathy
                                                                                      1. avoid self doubt
                                                                                        1. accepting functional pain
                                                                                          1. encourage her to use voice to the max
                                                                                            1. if she is losing control say 'louder'
                                                                                              1. encourage Nat to turn herself up
                                                                                              2. vocalise with her
                                                                                                1. explore different sounds with her
                                                                                              3. wee wee reminders
                                                                                            2. THINGS TO TRULY AVOID
                                                                                              1. don't ask thinking questions
                                                                                                  1. words & naming
                                                                                                    1. intense not pain
                                                                                                      1. values not "plan"
                                                                                                        1. avoid topics of time : no "you're almost half way"
                                                                                                          1. avoid cm's of dilation
                                                                                                            1. instead - "you are progressing really well"
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