Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Learning CSS
- Advanced
- Flexbox
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: value;
- The flex-direction property defines in which direction the container wants to stack the flex items.
- value = column / column-reverse
- value = row / row-reverse
- flex-wrap: value;
- The flex-wrap property specifies whether the flex items should wrap or not.
- value = wrap / wrap-reverse
- value = nowrap
- flex-flow: value;
- The flex-flow property is a shorthand property for setting both the flex-direction and
flex-wrap properties.
- value = flex-direction flex-wrap
- flex-justify: value;
- The justify-content property is used to align the flex items:
OBS: depends on the flex-direction;
- value = center
- value = flex-start / flex-end
- value = space-around / space-between
- align-items: value;
- The align-items property is used to align the flex items vertically.