Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- classical liberalism
- people are naturally free and
equal, so any restraints need to be
justified, the state is seen as a
necessary evil as it restricts people
but the laws alow for freedom.
- Locke: all people are born free
and equal and according to the
laws of nature we can't steal or
harm anyone else, the laws of
nature come from god but Locke
claims they can be found
rationally as well. a state is good
as it can ensure there is even
application of the laws of nature
- Mill: based on the harm principle, i.e. nobody can administer harm to anybody else
unless it is t prevent harm to others. he emphasises that individuals should be free
from constraint and that rationally is discerning, and the pursuit of happiness as virtue,
it is also an essential part of self-development and human progress. people should be
tolerant opf others and let them pursue the good life in what ever way they see fit.
- marxism
- economic substructures (different modes
of production and cooperation) determine
the nature of each society. the super
structure consists of social custems, laws,
education, religion, culture ad the
institution of the state, it evolves out of
how people live their lives.
- people are oppressed through capitalism and alienation, the
liberal notion of rights is alienating as it suggests that people
need laws to protect themselves from other people, so it
alienates people from people, we find freedom through communal
living. the state oppresses people with a false notion of equality
with 'euality before the law' as it glosses over class differences.
- key concepts: 1st equality is peopl's needs being met,
not the same as liberals moral equality. the importance
of welfare and fulfilling our species being is shown in the
analysis of alienation. 2nd the imortance of meaningful
creative work. 3rd community is important. 4th the
hstorical development oif the modes of production in
relation to society,
- objections:
- the relationship between substructure and superstructure have been rejected as social reality has influence on our ideas
- the prediction of the inevitable fall of capitalism failed
- how can marx make claims about alienation without considering the personal views of the workers
- conservatism
- burk
- libery is good but not on its own it needs to be combined
with other good things like law, tradition, etc. and
developments in liberty need to be gradual and natural so
that society and politics can adapt to them. changes can't
be quick they need to be gradual and there should be no
use of abstract concepts as they can't be related to society
and cause confusion, principles need to be relervant to
society, i.e. the use of traditions. the rights and liberties
need to be specific to society and not universal
- the role of government is to protect the
organic process of change from
interference and uphold rules of conduct.
- core ideas of conservatism:
- rationality is arrogant as it often
supports abstract, unprincipled
knowledge, instead tradition should be
valued as it contains the wisdom of past
- individual self-development should
always take place in the framework
of inherited traditions and order and
stability to the community.
- humans are not perfectable and there is
little reason to support rationality and the
idea that aloienation acts as a reason for
why humans are the way they are.
- power should be
accountable but not to
protect individuals but to
keep political order
- liberties should be understood as inherited liberties
- objections
- the state doesn't have a
continious identity as it
changes throughout
society, also traditions can
be wrong and bias
- other political theories are
not abstract like the theories
suggests, they are instead
looking to find an alternative
- the organic growth concept
doesn't help to solve social
conflict if both sides appeal to
- the conservatives can
respond that the government
should let social conflict get
sorted out naturally as
deliberately imposing a
situation makes it worse
- anarchism
- why do they oppose the state
- the state claims authority and soverighnty over a geographical region
- the state is compulsory
- the state has a monopoly on power
- state is a distinct body seperate from religion and society.
- the state violates and undermines liberty, it steals from the people in the form of tax
- even though the state provides useful functions these can be provided by private bodies or the community
- why has it not been achived yet?
- humans have not yet reached a
point of self-interest or
self-realisation where working in
an anarchist society seems best
- we have not yet achieved the moral
character for an anarchist society
- humans have been effected by the moral conditions in which they live
- godwin
- argued for the principle of private judgement
which states that only one's own judgement
can impose a duty on oneself, we must decide
what justice requires and how to bring it about,
government is incompatable woth the principle
of private judgement due to itslaws
- act utilitarianism provides
an objection to the state as
it argues that through laws
our personal development
can be stumped
- the greatest good comes from the development of our own reason and private judgement.
- objection. utilitarianism claims that to seek the
greatest good we need to live under a state till
people freely judge to seek the greatest good.
- individualistic anarchism
- each person is soverign over their body and
property and no one can impose an obligation or
duty on one another, the only legitimate
relationship is a volunarily entered contract.
social institutions can be replaced by the
market which will provide servce for everyone.
- objections: 1st its not clear that
respecting someone's autonomy will be
good for me so why should i do it. 2nd
what wil happen when 2 people belong to
different agencies. 3rd individual
soverignty conflicts community and
family ties
- collectivist/communist
- bonds of solidarity,sympathy, affection,
cooperation and mutual aids are the proper bonds
of society and are promoted with communal living.
- the individualistic
idea that people
are soverign over
themselves is an
effect of capitalism
- the state can be
replaced by the
extention f existing