Jasper Jones Themes


Mindmap am Jasper Jones Themes, erstellt von Sally Stroobant am 05/04/2018.
Sally Stroobant
Mindmap von Sally Stroobant, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sally Stroobant
Erstellt von Sally Stroobant vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Jasper Jones Themes
  1. Loss
    1. The Lu family losing their home, Charlie losing his mother and his innocence, Jasper losing everything, Jack Lionel losing his son and his daughter in law, as wee as a chance to have a family, the town losing a child and how it has affected everyone’s mindset on safety and blame
    2. Racism
      1. Predujice
        1. Assult and It's Effects
          1. Innocence and how it is corrupted
            1. Friendship and it’s effects
              1. Appearance vs Reality
                1. Betrayal
                  1. Scapegoating
                    1. Guilt
                      1. Abandonment
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