Zusammenfassung der Ressource
II Republic
- Pact of San Sebastian
- Prepare the new order
- Provisional Government
- "Ditablanda"
- Elections 12 April 1931
- King's abdicaton (Alfonso XIII run to the exile)
- Proclamation of II Republic
- 1931-193
- 1931
- Reformist Bienium
- Niceto Alcalá Zamoraas the president
- Manuel Azaña as the prime minister
- 1933
- Conservative Bienium "Rectificador"
- Niceto Alcalá Zamora as the Presindent
- Alexandre Lerroux the Prime Minister
- 1936
- Popular Front
- Manuel Azaña as the President
- Casares Quiroga the Prime Minister
- Provisional Government
- Reformist Plan, according wtih Pact of San Sebastian
- Elections, june 1931
- Republican an socialist coalition won
- Constitution
- Reforms
- Reforms
- Tried to modernisate Spain
Read the document below
- Social Conflicts
- Sanjurjo's Coup
- Right wing violence
- Ocupation of land by peasants
- Casas Viejas, stoped by Assault Gard
- The government punished by public opinion
- The government coalition was broken
- Elections 1933
- Right Parties Coalition won
- Alexandre Lerroux, radical republican
- CEDA of Gil Robles Ultraconservator
- Stoped and abolished all the reforms
- Amnistie for the rebels
- Main Problems
- Add diputees form CEDA to the government
- Revolution of Asturias
- Read pag 190, demands of working classes in Asturias
- Franco, the Moor Guard and the Guardia Civil repress the movement
- Catalunya declared the independence
- The Estatute was suspended
- Political Corruption
- Elections 1936
- Left Wing Coalition even radical parties
- Threat by right wing movements
- The suspection of an uprising
- Sanjurjo, Mola, Franco and Goded was separated far away from Madrid
- Mola began the planification of a new coup
José Calvo Sotelo (ultraright) assassinated on 13 July, then J. Castillo (Assault Guard) was also assassinated as a revenge by radical right wing
- M. Azaña the president
- S. Casares Quiroga Prime Minister
- He represented the ORGA (galician nationalist coalition)
- Return to reformism
- New process of Authonomic Estatutes
- Recover the Estatute fo Catalonia
Basque Country and Galicia started their own way to aprove their Estatutes (disrupted by the War)
- Amnestie the rebels of Asturias
- Constituent Courts
- Troubles
- Internal
- Polarized Society
- Social Elites and conservators vs Working classes
- Social Revolts
- Convents on fire
- strikes
- Claim for Social Revolution (Russian Rev.)
- External
- Fascism
- Stalinism
- Great Depression