Art & Architecture


Social sciences Mindmap am Art & Architecture, erstellt von mario sans am 10/04/2018.
mario sans
Mindmap von mario sans, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
mario sans
Erstellt von mario sans vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Art & Architecture
    1. Pinture
      1. Landscapes, cotidian objects, nobles' and burgoisie's portraits
        1. , tempera and oil techniques.
        2. Sculpture
          1. Natural expression with feelings and realism. Religious and didactic mostly.  Altarpieces and funerary sculptures, stone and wood were popular.
          2. Architecture
            1. Narrow walls, more light, rose windows, spires, thick columns, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, archivolt, parteluz, triforium, apses/chapels, latin cross plan, flying and non flying buttresses, side entrance, bell towers
          3. ROMANESQUE
            1. Architecture
              1. Thick walls, bad lit, narrow windows, buttresses, decorative columns, semicircular arches, low buildings, Barrell and Groin vaults, latin cross plan
              2. Sculpture & Painting
                1. Rigid expressions, educational purpose, solemnity and schematic styles
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