Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Sleep, Dreams, and sleep
disorders cognitive
- Crick and Mitchison's reorganizational theory 1986
- to keep our memory at top
physical performance or to
improve are memory a
decluttering process must take
place in which the brain will
delete unwanted memories
- Stickgold 2009
- sleeping improves every type of memory (sensory,short,long)
- Funtion of sleep may
support the
formation of the long
term memory
- Weaknesses
- computer
therefore totally
ignores the
social and
- tends to lack ecological validity
- Sleeping has an impact on our cognitive processing
- this can be
seen by
people who
dont get
enough sleep
have a
recall ability
- Computer analogy
- suggests brain
works like
computer by
encoding the
information the
stores it for
later use then
outputs the
information for
the approate
- therefore totally ignores emotion
- Schemas Bartlett 1932
- Sleep may
help the
assimilation of
newly formed
- Irrational thoughts/ beliefs are thought to cause sleep disorders like insomnia
- if drug treatment is
not wanted or unable
to help. psychiatrists
use CBT (cogitive
behavioural therapy)
which is a non drug
treatment that trys to
sort mental disorders
by fighting the
thoughts/ideas the
person has by the
psycologist giving
ideas and coping
mechisisms for the
person to use
- links to Ellis ABC modal 1962
- an activating agent like a spider
leads to either a rational belief, for
example, the spider is harmless or it
can have an irrational belief, for
example, the spider is dangerous
and these beliefs can lead to two
different consequences: a healthy
response which is to ignore the
spider or you can have an unhealthy
response which is screaming
- links to Becks cogitive triad 1967
- he identified three
mechanisms that he
thought where the
possible reason for
- negitive veiw of
view of the
world and
negitive veiw of
the future
- he also called these
Errors in logic aka faulty
information processing
- Strenghs.
- Majority of research based on highly controlled lab experimets therefore lots of quantatative data on the subject