Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Advantages and disadvantages of
- Disadvantages of participant observations
- Peer pressure
- Could be lying
- NOT representive
- Advantages of participant observations
- Can research working of group
- See others viewpoint
- First hand insight (verstehen)
- Advantages of non-participant observations
- More objective
- IRL look at group
- Possibly more honest
- Disadvantages of non-participant observations
- NOT where action is
- Could influence behavior
- Dis-honest
- Advantages of covert observations
- can observe 'labelling' in natural setting
- Researcher gets valid data
- Gain their trust so could be more open
- Disadvantages of covert observations
- Misleading (ethical incorrect)
- cannot exactly repeat
- could be TOO familiar with them
- Advantages of overt observations
- Ethically correct
- CAN exactly repeat
- Honesty from researcher could encourage them
- Disadvantages of overt observations
- Interview bias
- hard to get access to group
- Need permission