Zusammenfassung der Ressource
2.6 Competitive environment
- Key terms
- Markets share
- The percentage of sales in a particular market
recorded by a business
- Recession
- When the value of an economy's output of goods and
services falls for six months or longer
- Monopoly
- When a business does not face any
competition in a particular market
- Diversification
- When a business starts selling in new markets
- Market
- Exists where buyers and sellers exchange goods and services for a price
- How to compete in different ways
- Price
- Business avoid competing strongly on price with larger rivals as it
will cause lower profits
- New products
- Attract customers from competetors
- Advertising
- Where consumers in the market switch brands regularly so
may be attracted by a large amount of advertising
- Uncertainty and Risk
- Internal risks
- They come from in the business like: employees refusing to work-Fire or theft-bad
publicity-loss of employees to competitors
- External risks
- New competitors-natural disasters-new laws
- Economic Uncertainty
- All businesses are affected by changes in economy like
the UK leaving the EU
- Competitor uncertainty
- When you dont know what your competitors will do (e.g. a
new product
- social uncertainty
- When a business cant predict social trends in the public and how it
will effect sales
- How to reduce risk
- Business plan
- Invest in training for employees for
hazards or customers
- Use experts and consultants
- Reduce decision making errors or effects of bad publicity
- Selling in different markets
- If sales fall in one market due to issues other markets are profitable (diversification)