Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Unit 1.6 V2 System Security
- Types of attack
- Malware - MALicious softWARE
- Files deleted, corrupted or encrypted
- Can cause identity theft
- Trojan Horses, Viruses and/or worms
- Phishing - Disguising as
a normal webpage
- Peoples private accounts are accessed.
- Brands lose high value data
and therefore reputation
- Brute Force Attack -
Trial and Error Method
- Access to Corporate Systems
- Theft of Personal Data;
passwords and your PIN
- DDOS - Direct Denial Of Service,
zombie computers flood a system
causing it to crash
- Loss of access for customers
- Loss of revenue and
reputation of the company
- Data Interception - Packet
Sniffing to extract data
throughout its 'journey'
- Usernames and
passwords can be
- Loss of corporate
data is possible
- SQL Injections - Can change data in a database
by inserting extra code into a text input box
- Private data in file
can be released /
- Rogue records
can be added
- Preventing Vulnerabilities
- Penetration Testing - Checks for potential vulnerabilities
by a qualified person in a controlled environment
- Network Forensics - Thorough Forensic
Investigation of networks and their devices
- Anti Malware - Prevents Malware
- Anti Virus - Specifically targets computer viruses
- Network Policies - Defines how a system can be
secured through specific rules
- Firewall - Software that performs a
'barrier'. 99.9% effective. Detects patterns
- User Access Levels - Who can view
what. Administrator makes a hierarchy
- Passwords - Allow a time gap
and limit number of attempts
- Encryption - See Unit 1.5
- Biometric Security