Zusammenfassung der Ressource
1.8 DPA
- Data Subject
- An living individual who has data
stored about themselves
- Have rights
- Can request a copy of all data or
information held about them
- Can be charged up to £10
- Information must be kept up to date
- Information Officer
- Someone in a establishment who is
responsible for enforcing the law
- Information Commisionner
- Someone in Government who
is supposed to uphold the law
- Provides guidance to
institutions (companies etc.)
- 8 Principles
- Flood's Locks
Are Always
Kept Stylish
- Kept no longer than necessarry
- Secure
- Adequate
- Lawfully obtained
- Accurate
- Transferred outside
- Fair Processing
- Safe
- 1998 - Second Version for the DPA due to the rise of the World Wide Web
- 1984 - When the DPA came into existence
- General Data
Protection Regulation
- Differences with 1998 DPA
- Marketing consent - More explicit
- Sanctions - Fines for Personal Data Breaches (PDBs);
and Fines for Administrative breaches
- Notification and Legal Processing - No more prior notifications of personal data
processing but is looked into more (why you need the data)
- Legal Rights of Data Subjects - No longer require a fee to request data; more explicit
- Definitions of Personal Data - More items which
can be classified as personal data
- Personal Data Breaches (PDB) - A time limit of 72 Hours in
which to report a 'breach' with necessary information
- Data Protection Officer (DPO) - Now has ultimate responsibility for
data protection and privacy for an organisation
- EU Wide