Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Theme of Power in Macbeth and Modern Leaders
- Historical
to the play
- Introduction on
theme of Power
and Responisble
- Ask Three Questions:
What is Power? What
is Responsible
Leadership? Does
Macbeth relate to
modern-day leaders?
- Reading of
Macbeth while
keeping these
questions in
- Guide students in a seminar style
setting to get them thinking and
sharing ideas. Also bring in articles
from modern day leaders to keep
the questions relevant to
- Once this is done,
complete a simple
assessment regarding the
- Final Project: Video Essay
- Begin by having students
use a mindmap website -
similar to this one to
outline their essay
- Have students to research,
discussion, and continue
seminar style lessons to help
students learn from each of
their research methods,
findings, or readings.
- This will allow for
collaboration and
communication skills.
- Have students submit their mindmap
that they use for brainstorming ideas.
Ask them to create a mindmap "script"
to guide their final video essay.
- Instead of students writing a real
script, which could be an essay, have
them make their points clear and cut
on a mindmap and have their
presentation be a guide from one
point to the next. This allows them to
be creative in their presentation, but
also in the video essay graphics etc.
- Have students turn in final project
consisting of: Video Essay, Brainstorm
Mindmap, and "Script" Mindmap