

Mindmap am Relationships, erstellt von Samiha Nassir am 23/04/2018.
Samiha Nassir
Mindmap von Samiha Nassir, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Samiha Nassir
Erstellt von Samiha Nassir vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Sexual selection - disadvantageous behaviour being advantageous
    1. Anisogamy - M/F sex cells
      1. Male unlimited sperm
        1. Intra sexual - within, to be selected, quantity over quality
          1. Waynforth and Dunbar, woman listed physical men listed rsources
          2. Female limited ova, fertile window
            1. Inter sexual - between sexes to choose partner, quality over quanitity, choosy to be resources
              1. Singh - waist to hip ratio, sign of fertility
              2. Buss - men valued physical features, women valued resources
                1. Clark and Hatfield - men more likely to be sleep with stangers than women
              3. Self disclosure - grows in breadth and depth as time goes on, reciprocity is essential
                1. Social penetration theory - reciprocal exchange, displays trust and penetrates sig other.
                  1. Boom and bust phenomenon
                  2. Originally revealing loads but superficial, then intimate and deep
                    1. Culturally SD is more sexual in US than collectivist cultures
                    2. Maintenance of relationship depended on self disclousre
                      1. Studies show value of self disclosure in relationships
                      2. Physical Attractiveness
                        1. Neotenous faces preferred, important for years
                          1. Halo Effect - trusting people that are attractive
                            1. FIndings suggest attractive people more politically knowledgable
                            2. Matching hypothesis - judge people based on own attractiveness
                              1. Don't want to go out of our league
                                1. Walster aimed to prove this, but results showed people went over with more attractive others
                                  1. Complex matching: other factors at play
                              2. Filter Theory
                                1. Social demography - how clse you are in terms on location and social status
                                  1. Similarity in attitudes - whether or not you agree with each and share opinions
                                    1. Complementarity of needs - mutual satisfaction of needs
                                  2. Kerckhoff and Davis
                                    1. Tested similarity and complementarity, after seven months found LT couples valued complementarity and ST valued similarity
                                      1. Unreplicable
                                        1. Temporal Validity - change in attitudes such as intteracial marriages more common today
                                      2. Cultural relativism - indiviualist cultures ahve different demands
                                      3. Social Exchange Theory
                                        1. Minimsing the costs and maximising benefits, must be profitable
                                          1. Rewards include sex, gifts, costs include time, money
                                          2. Comparison Level - standard to compare all relatiships, relationsips need to exceed this level
                                            1. CL for Alternatives - Rewards more than costs of leaving relationship
                                            2. Relationship Stages
                                              1. Sampling - considering rewards and costs
                                                1. Bargaining - considering if it's worth it
                                                  1. Commitment - used to relationship, aware of minimax principle
                                                    1. institutionalisation - normalised best way to get rewards
                                              2. Gives explanation to abusive relationship, seen as a cost for reward
                                                1. Studied in this lack ecological validity
                                                  1. Explains why people leave relationships
                                                  2. Equity Theory- Desire for fairness
                                                    1. Profit - minimax principle Distribution - compensation for fairness Dissatisfaction - more with unfairness Realignment - restoring equity
                                                      1. Inequity =/= inequality
                                                        1. You give what you get out, based on a ratio, giving a lot but getting a lot back, when inequitable we change inputs and putputs for equity
                                                        2. Real life application - Utne found 148 couples valued equity and were satifided in equitable relationships, valid
                                                          1. Culture bias - individualist cultures value equity, collectivist cultures like overbenefitting, not universal
                                                            1. Individuals may be entitled or benevolents so they don't care if they over or underbenefit, again not univeral
                                                              1. Clark & Mills: Equity may be important in different relationships eg work related, but findings for relationships are mixed
                                                              2. Investment Model
                                                                1. Extension of SET and economic, Rusbult
                                                                  1. COmmitment Level mitigated satsifaction, investment and presence of alterntive
                                                                    1. Committed partners are positive, less committed partners are negative
                                                                  2. Intrinsic - direct things eg time
                                                                    1. Extrinsic - Shared things eg house/kids
                                                                      1. Rusbult found that statisfaction and investment increased commitment in hetero and gay relationships
                                                                        1. Le & Agnew metaanalysis of 11,582 participants founds variables did influence commitment that influenced likeliness of break up
                                                                          1. Explains abusive relationship - low alternatives, high investment
                                                                        2. Duck's Phase Model
                                                                          1. Intrapsychic, one partner unhappy
                                                                            1. Dyadic, two way discussion, mutual feelings
                                                                              1. Social - break up aired, everyone knowns, everyone picks sides
                                                                                1. Grave dressing - moving on, own accounts of breakdown
                                                                                  1. Duck suggests later stage of resurrection - growing and learning from experience, makes model more valid
                                                                              2. Altering Duck'sModel used in relationship counselling - turning intrapsychic stage positive - real life application
                                                                                1. However, in such a stage the other person isn't aware so counselling may not be possible so early in the model
                                                                              3. Cultural bias - individualist cultures easy to split/divorce may not be same in collectivist cultures, making phase model etic approach
                                                                              4. Virtual Relationships
                                                                                1. Reduced Cues Theory (Sprawl and Kiesler)
                                                                                  1. Without cues SD not the same as face to face
                                                                                    1. Leads to more blunt and aggressive
                                                                                  2. Hyperpersonal Model
                                                                                    1. Online relationships more intimate quicker incresing SD, but shortlived - excitement not consistent, with selective self representation, anonymity increasing SD due to lack of reponsibility
                                                                                      1. Whitby found online people were more straightforward due to lack of small talk , CMc is positive
                                                                                      2. Absense of gating
                                                                                        1. No mitigating fators in attraction eg appearance, no gating increases disclosure due to interest of opinion not appearance creating different internet personality
                                                                                          1. McKenna & Bargh found anxious people discosoed more with CMC showing evidence supporting gating
                                                                                          2. Dependent on type of CMC - social media mroe likely to SD than dating due to potential of FtF contact
                                                                                          3. Parasocial Relationships
                                                                                            1. Maltby three types: Entertainment-social (superficial, just for gossip), Intense-personal (involved, obsessive) Borderline pathological (deep, extreme, , uncontroalbale
                                                                                              1. Maltby found Entertainment social people more extroverts, Intense personal more introverts and Borderline pathologicals more mentally ill, showing support due to implication of cognitive function.
                                                                                              2. McCutheon Absorption Addiction
                                                                                                1. Believed PR made from real life deficiences eg body image or social adjustment, allows escape from reality
                                                                                                  1. Found link between cody conscious teens and celebrity worship
                                                                                                  2. fulfillment, much focused attention, identification
                                                                                                    1. sustained commitment by intense involvement in life
                                                                                                    2. Attachment links - Avoidant least likely to develop parasocial relationship, resistant more likely due to less risk of rejection
                                                                                                      1. Findings show there's no link between attachment type and parasocial relationships
                                                                                                        1. Self report methods lead to social desirability implicating reliability
                                                                                                          1. Correlational research
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