Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- A. Nouns form the plural by adding the edding "s"
Example: Cat /Cats
Head / Heads
- B. When the noun has one of the following edings form the plural by adding "es"
-S (Focus/ Focuses)-SS (Miss/ Misess)-SH (Fish/ Fishes)-CH (Stich/ Stitches)-X ( Fox / Foxes)
- C. If the noun ends in "y"
After consonant occurs in plural termination "ies"
Example: Battery / Batteries
After vowel form the plural by adding "s"
Example: Bay / Bays
- D. If the noun ends in a vowel "o" form the plural by adding "es"
Example: Tomato / Tomatoes
- 2. ADJECTIVES: Are words that are attached directly to a noun specying or explaining something to him
- A. Subjective Adjetives: Express a personal opinio.
Example: Beautiful, ugly, nice, lovely, friendly, elegant, useful.
- B. Objectives Adjectives: Defined objective properties of the noun. These in turn folllow thw following order, although it is some flexibility :
- -SIZE: Big, small, huge,great, medium.
- -GENERAL ASPECTS: Sporty, dirty,quiet,expensive, healthy, strong.
- -AGE: Old, adult, young, new.
- -FORM: Square, hexagonal, round, wide , narrow
- -PERSONALITY: Shy, ambitious, humble, arrogant.
- -COLOR: Blue, yellow, red.
- -MATERIAL: Plastic, wooden, metallic, woolen.
- -ORIGIN: Russian, Spanish, European.
- 3. ADVERBS: An adverd is a word that accompanies the verb to modify its meaning. And adverb can also modify adjectives, names or others adverbs.
- A. The general rule Tto form adverbs is to add the ending "ly" to an adjective, equal to completion in Castilian for "mente"
Example: Easy - Easily
Cheerful- Cheerfully
- B. Adjectives ending in "ic" termination "ic" with "ically" Is changed.
Examples: Automatic- Automatically
Tragic- Tragically
- C. Adjectives ending in "le" termination "le" with "ly" Is changed.
Examples: Terrible- Terribly
True- Truly
- D.Some adverbs do not end in "ly"
Example: Hard
- E. As we have seen, adjectives tell us something about a noun ( a person, a thing, a place). Adverbs on the other hand, tells us something about how to do an action. They can modify verbs, adjectives or the adverbs.
- Examples:
-VERB: Miguel runs fast
You speak loudly
- -ADVERBS: Hell runs really fast.
You speak very loudly
- -ADJECTIVES: I am very happy
She is really nice
The preposition is a class of word what: syntactically liking words or phrases within a sentence is morphologically invariable ( has not gender or number or endings).
Semantically indicating origin, source, destination, location, address.
- Example: Among,between, to, in, on, at, under, behind, after, before, over, with, without, towards, against, again, of, from, until, for, by, in front of, next to, near of, far from, inside, outside.
- 5. VERBS:The verb is a word, bimembre structure, indicating action.
Example: Run, jump, think, draw, cut.
- A. REGULAR VERBS: termination in ed, d, ied in past.
Example: Added, admired, danced
- B. IRREGULAR VERBS: Different forms in three times.
-PAST: Sang
- 6. CONJUCTIONS: Is the class of word or set of propositions linking them phrases of words.
- Example:
-TIME: She trembled as he spoke- MODE: Leave the room as you find it- COMPARATIVE EQUALITY: He is not so tall as you are-CONTRAST: Rich as he is, he is not happy-CAUSE: As you were not there I left a message
- 7. QUESTIONS WH: They range short and simple to long and grammaticaly complex.In all cases, questions that begin with wh-words without the complex what been.
- Example:
-Where is Mexico?
-When is the party?
- Who is the president of the united States?
- What do you want to eat?
-Why are you leaving?
- A. Nouns form the plural by adding the edding "s"
- EXAMPLES: cat/ cats
- B. When the noun has one of the following edings form the plural by adding "es"
- -S (Focus/ Focusses)
- -SS (Miss/ Misses)
- -SH (Fish/ Fishes)
- -CH (Stich/ Stitches)
- -X (Fox/ Foxes)
- C. If the noun ends in "y" after consonant occurs in plural termination "ies"
- EXAMPLE: Battery/ Batteries
- After vowel form the plural by adding "s"
- EXAMPLE: Bay/Bays
- ADJECTIVES: Are words that are attached directly to a noun specying or explaining something to him
- A. SUBJECTIVE ADJECTIVES: Express a personal opinion
- EXAMPLE: Beautiful, ugly,nice
- B. OBJECTIVES ADJECTIVES: Defined objective properties of the noun. These in turn follow the following order, althougth it is some flexibility
- SIZE: Big, small
- AGE: Young
- FORM : Square
- ORIGIN: European
- An adverb is a word that accompanies the verb to modify its meaning
- A.The general ruler to from adverbs is add the edding "ly" to an adjective equal to completion in Castilian for "Mente"
- EXAMPLE: Easy-- Easily
- B. Some adverbs do not in "ly"
- EXAMPLE: Hard, fast
- Is a class of word what syntactically liking words or phrases within a sentences is morphologically invariable.( has not gender o number o endings)
- EXAMPLES: Among, between, to , in
- Is a word bimembre structure, indicating action
- EXAMPLE: Run , jump, think
- Termination in ed, d,, ied, in past
- EXAMPLE: Added, admired, danced
- Different form in three times
- Is the class of word or set of prepositions linking them phrases of words
- EXAM`PLE: TIME: She trembled as he spoke
- MODE: Leave the room as you find it
- COMPARATIVE EQUALITY: He is not so tall as you are
- They range short and simple to long and grammaticaly complex. In all cases, questions that begin with wh- words with out the complex what been
- EXAMPLES: WHERE is Mexico?
- WHEN is the party?
- WHO is the president of the United States?
- WHAT do you want to eat?
- WHY are you leaning?