Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Of Mice and Men (Possibly 2018
- George
- Chapter 1
- Repitition
- Continually has to
repeat to L
- Fed up w/him
- Outburst of G's dream
- L's hard work
- "All the time"
- Dream
- G wants L to stay
- L needs to exist for the
dream to exist
- "George looked quickly"
- Chapter 2
- "He gathered some of the
cards together"
- Cards symbolic to G having a
desire to be alone
- "George cut the card and
began turning them over"
- Plays cards on theme of Curley
- Pre-emtory
- Curley & Wife will end their
- Will be alone
- Door becomes a
- "George was
watching the door"
- Threat of Curley
on other men
- Becomes irritate when
given someone else's
- "Small yellow can"
- Used to catch roaches
- "He made up his bed
- Reflects desire to be
neat & clean
- Reflects control
- Empty bunks
- Migrant workers
- Constantly moving
- Reflects instability
of friendships
- Small men have power in
- Boss and George
- "Little stocky man"
- "Took him by the ear and shook
- See's threat in Curley's wife
- Pre-empts her death by Lennie
- Protective of L
- Chapter 3
- "I ain't got no people"
- No family
- Lonliness links to
- L saved G from
a world of
- "Wantin' to fight all
the time"
- Making friendships hard
- Migrant workers
always moving
- "If there's any fightin', Lennie,
you keep out of it"
- Protective of L
- Foreshadows L breaking
Curley's hand
- Chapter 5
- Body language of G and Candy
- Dialogue
- Language is repeated
- "George looked
- Trying to come to what her
death eventually represents
- Power
- George
- "Small"
- "Give it here"
- Still has power over L
- Repitition
- Lennie
- Unspoken power in
- "I'd go find a cave"
- Displays physical power
- Kills the mouse etc.
- Slim
- "God like eyes"
- Reflects power over men & how he can
request confidence over the men without
- Emotive language
- Reinforces power of slim
- Curley
- Curley's wife named
'Curley's Wife'
- Suggests element
of power over her
- Boasts to other men about her
- Only one with a mouse
- Men talk behind
Curley's back
- End of novel he gets
them riled up
- Element of power