Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Data portability & storage
- Dat/Tape stream
- 100GB
- 700MB
- 700MB
- Blue-Ray
- 25GB
- Hard disk
- HD
- 1TB
- Solid state drive
- 512GB
- 4.7GB
- USB flash media
- 8GB
- Storage
- Magnetic
- Optical
- Flash
- Games
- Game Features
- Rules of the game
- How to score points
- Object of the game
- Game controls
- How to stop/start/pause
the game
- Sounds
- When you win
- When you
score/win points
- Background music
- Theme tune
- Says words aloud
- Macros
- Commands activated by a
single button
- Short cut to a task
- Set of commands
- Wizard
- Software/program
- Helps the user to
complete a task
- Step by step/using promts
- Primary Key
- A unique number or code assigned to
identify each individual record
- Validation
- When the database looks for
mistakes in data being entered