Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Developmental psychology
- Biological, cognitive and sociocultural factors
and influence on human development
- Biological
- Deprivation
- Hormone-based
differentiation theory
- Cognitive
- Attatchment
- Hazan and
- Ainsworth
and Bowlby
- Gender Schema
- Erikson
- Sociocultural
- Vugotsky
- Building resilliance
- Gender roles
- Fa'fa'fine
- Ferron
- Evaluate theories of cognitive development
- Piget
- Strengths
- children at diff. ages
process info
- new thinking
- emphisis- teacher
facilliataor not disperser
of knowledge
- Weaknesses
- Vygotsky
- Neurobiological
- Strengths
- shows connection - deprived
stimulation and poor brain
- evidence for suitable
educational opp. can
enhance brain dev.
- Weaknesses
- non-experimental,
no causeeffect
- no longitudinal
- Evaluate research in dev. psych
(theories and/or studies)
- Piget
- Vugotsky
- Politt
- Bowlby
- Studies of deprivation
- David Reimer
- Bandura - SLT
andgender roles
- Erikson's identity crisis
- How social and
environmental variables
effect cog. dev.
- Attatchment in chiildhood
- Role of childhood attatchment in
subsequent relationships
- Potential effects of deprivation or
trauma on development
- Define resilience
- Strategies to build resilience
- Formation and development of gender
- Cultural variations in gender roles
- Describe adolescence
- Relationship between
physical change and
development of identity
during adolescence
- Examine research into
- Research methods
- Longitudinal research