Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Sea Shells and
Loose Parts
- Science and technology
- Big Idea: Children are curious and connect
prior knowledge to new contexts in order to
understand the world around them
- Key Concept:
Physical Science
- Properties of objects
and materials
- Properties of solids
- Step 2: Inquiry:
- How would you
describe the shape of
this shell?
- Do you think all of
these shells are
the same shape?
- Do you see any
patterns on this
- How is this shell
different from the
- How do you think this
shell would feel if you
touched it?
- What colors do you
see on these shells
- Step 3: Inquiry: Investigation
- Invitation to play
- Set up an invitation to play with glass
rocks, wooden sticks, marbles, shells
- Overall Expectations
- Demonstrate an awareness of
the natural and built
environment through hands-on
investigations, observations,
questions, and representations
of their findings
- 1.1 ask questions about and describe some
natural occurances, using their own
observations and representations
- Conduct simple investigations
through free exploration, focused
exploration, and guided activity,
using inquiry skills (questioning,
planning, predicting, observing,
- 2.2 make predictions and observations
before and during investigation
- Step 1: Inquiry Initial
- Observe and listen
- Step 4: Inquiry: Communication
- Use labels that feature pictures or symbols as
well as written word on dividers, so that
children can easily see where to put and
catagorize different sea shells and loose parts to
help children make connection between prior
knowledge and new discoveries
- The Arts
- Big idea: Young children have an innate
openness to artistic activities
- Key concepts: Color
- Primary color and
secondary color
- Properties of color
- Step 3: Inquiry: Investigation
- Invitation to create
- Set up invitation to create with paint,
paint brush, sand, sea shell, paper, and
- Overall Expectations
- Demonstrate an
awareness of themselves
as artists through
engaging in activities in
visual arts
- V 2.1 explore a variety of tools,
materials and processes of
their own choice to create
visual art forms in familair and
new ways
- Express response to a
variety of visual art
forms, including those
from other cultures
- V 4.2 express their responses to visual
art forms by making connections to their
own expereinces or by talking about the
- Step 4: Inquiry: Communication
- make scrapbooks using children's drawings,
photographs or pictures and write descriptions or
captions under children's drawings or paintings
using the children's own words using the
children's own words and read it with the
- Mathamatics
- Big idea: Young children have a conceptual
understanding of mathematical and of
mathematical thinking and reasoning
- Key concept: Geometry
- Shape
- Key Concepts: Numerics
- Numbers
- Key Concepts: Patterns
- Arrangement
- Step 3: Inquiry:
- Invitation to
- set up a tray with different kinds of shells,
magnifying glasses, and Sea Shell book
- Overall Expectations
- Deomonstrate an understanding
of numbers, using concrete
materials to explore and
investigate counting, quantity,
and number relationship
- NS 1.2 Investigate some concepts of
quantity through identifying and
comparing sets with more, fewer, or the
same number of objects
- Describe, sort, classify, and compare two
dimentional shapes and three dimentional
figures, and describe the location and
movement of object through
- G 3.1 Explore, sort, and compare
traditional, and non traditional two-
dimentional shapes
- Further activity idea
- http://www.pinterest.com/pin/416090453042758948/
- Explore, recognize,
describe, and create
patterns,using a variety of
materials in different
- P 4.1 Identify, create, reproduce, and extend repeating
patterns through investigation using a variety of
- Step 4: Inquiry:
- going on weekly walks and gathering natural
materials in the community or scavenger hunting
will allow children the opportunity to count over the
amount of items collected. Allowing children to
share unique objects during sharing time can open
doors to various open ended questions regrading
shape, patterning and numbers etc...
- The Ministry of Education. (2010). The Full-Day Early Learning- Kindergarten
Program. Ontario: Queen's Printer for Ontario
- Gullo. D.F. (2006). K Today: Teaching and learning in the Kindergarten year.
Washington: National Association for the education
- Reference
- Science Curriculum Digital Resource
- Name: Zi Cong Zheng
- Course: EAD 508AA
- Professor:Louise Jupp
- Date: October, 14, 2014