Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Into Africa
- English
Writing to
- The Village that
Vanished - 3 weeks
- Retell a story from another character's perspective
- The Lost Thing - 3 weeks
- Innovate own narrative based on a text
- Maths
- Mental Maths - developing arithmetic and times tables
- Number & Place
- Count forwards and backwards
through zero including negative
- Read and position multiples of
1000 on a number line to 1
- Represent, say and write
multiples of 1000 to 1,000,000
- Round numbers
- Compare and order
numbers within
- Solve problems within 100,000
- Express numbers up to
10,000 in Roman
- Represent place
value up to 10,000
- Geography
- Locate main countries in Europe,
North and South America.
- Compare physical features
between England and
- Locate countries in Africa and
main counties and cities in
- Locate features of Africa
e.g. rivers, mountains and
large cities
- Identify which features are
human and which are physical
- Science - Materials and
their Properties
- Appropriate
materials for
- Separating a mixture
- Working Scientifically: to use their
scientific experiences to explore ideas and
raise different kinds of questions of
appropriate complexity; to identify
variables to measure or observe that are
relevant to the question or idea they are
investigating; to select and plan the most
appropriate type of scientific enquiry to
use to solve problems and answer
questions; to use relevant scientific
language and illustrations to discuss,
communicate and justify their scientific
- Investigating Properties
- Identifying granular solids
- Dissolving
- PE
- Fitness
- Hockey
- R.E. - Islam - Ramadan
- Core themes: belonging and giving
- Focus on Allah, being a good
Muslim, and considering those
who have less
- Being Me in My
- How Behaviour Affects Groups
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Rewards and Consequences
- Democracy, having a voice, participating
- History
- History of the
Slave Trade
- Art
- Drawing - Use different
pencil grades to create range of
effects, shading, drawing facial
features in a realistic style– self
portraits. Looking at artists e.g.
Kehinde Wiley, Alice X Zang, Frida
Khalo, Jen Bartel
- Computing
- Search Engines
- Using keywords and phrases,
identifying inaccurate
information, learning page
rank works as well.
- E-safety
- How do the human and physical features make it different to
live in Ghana compared with the UK?
- Whole Class Reading
- Journey to Jo'burg