
Segundo Inglés Mindmap am ADJETIVES, erstellt von may jarquin am 17/05/2018.
may jarquin
Mindmap von may jarquin, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
may jarquin
Erstellt von may jarquin vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. -ED Adjetives
    1. We use -ed to described our feelings
    2. -ING Adjetives
      1. We use -ing to descibe the things wich makes us fell like this
        1. One syllable
          1. add -est
            1. strongest
          2. Three ore more syllables
            1. the most + adjetive
              1. The most self-confident
            2. Two syllables ending in -y
              1. drop -y and add -iest
                1. tiddiest
            3. COMPARATIVE
              1. One syllable
                1. add -er
                  1. strog -> stronger
                2. Three ore more syllable
                  1. more + adjetive
                    1. famous -> more famous
                  2. Two syllable ending in -y
                    1. drop -y and add ier
                      1. tidy -> tidier
                  3. usually go in front of the word
                    1. follow verbs
                      1. be, get, become, look, seem, appear, sound, taste, smeel, fell
                      2. Adjetives order
                        1. an / a -> sinze -> age -> shape -> origin -> material -> purpose -> object
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