

A mindmap essay plan for how bravery is presented in Macbeth
Niamh Connole
Mindmap von Niamh Connole, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Niamh Connole
Erstellt von Niamh Connole vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Scene 1 Act 1
    1. Valours minion
      1. Personification of Valour
        1. Synonms of Brave
          1. 3 x in scene
        2. Bellona's bridegroom
          1. Godess of War
            1. MB is Mars
            2. God-like abilities in Battle
              1. Superiour
                1. Ancient Greek Mythology
                  1. Hero
                2. Foreshadow
                  1. Further bloodshed & death
                    1. Alt Interp
                  2. Animal imagery
                    1. 'As sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion'
                      1. Not at all
                      2. King of Land and air
                        1. Nobility
                          1. Bravery
                      3. Typical Aristotelian model
                        1. Brave early in the play
                          1. SIngular fatal flaw
                            1. harmatia
                              1. vaulting ambition
                                1. Caused his undoing
                                  1. tyrant
                                2. path of most tragedies in Jacobean times
                                3. Lady Macbeth
                                  1. Doesn't think Macbeth is Brave
                                    1. manipulates MB using cowidice
                                      1. screw your courage to the sticking place
                                        1. live like a coward
                                          1. then you were a man
                                          2. ironic
                                            1. no true courage
                                              1. killing an old man in his sleep
                                              2. real courage
                                                1. ignoring L MB
                                                  1. sparing Duncan
                                            2. Final scene
                                              1. Act 5 Scene 7
                                                1. shadow of old bravery
                                                  1. refusal to 'yeild' to superiour foes
                                                    1. willingness to 'try to the last'
                                                    2. Reason why
                                                      1. leaves audience with reminder of beginning
                                                        1. emphasise the fall he had
                                                          1. after regicide
                                                            1. warning of the consequences of regicide
                                                              1. Divine Right of King
                                                                1. please James I
                                                                  1. written year after Gunpowder
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