Zusammenfassung der Ressource
OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
- Class
- Description of how
objects should be
- Describes how data is stored
- Describes the methods
executed on that data
- Static: Associated with the class.
(Runs the same regardless of
- Object
- A specific instance
of a class
- Specific instances of
data and methods
- Non-Static: Associated with the
object (Needs an object to be
- This: Changes data within object.
this.numPeople = 2; means this objects
numPeople attribute should be set to 2
- Attributes
- What is stored in
the object
- Attributes should never
be public always private.
- Behvaiours
- What is done with the
object (the methods)
- Typically operations
on the data
- Methods can be overloaded.
i.e. the method is the same but
it has different parameters
- Constructors
- Initalises object
- Reference
- Something is passed by reference if
the method is simply given a
reference (essentially a location) to
the data rather than the data itself
- All capital letter data
types are references.
- Inheritance
- Relationships between
classes. Used to create more
specific versions of classes
- Superclass: The parent
of a class is referred to
as a superclass.
- Stores data and methods
common to all subclasses
- Can also implement
default behaviours
that can be
- Protected methods and attributes
are available to all subclasses
- Subclass: The child of a superclass. A
more specific version of a superclass.
I.e. What a bike is to a vehicle
- Inherits methods and
attributes of superclass
- Can add additional
attributes and methods
- Can overwrite behaviours of the
- super keyword refers to instance of
superclass can be used to run
methods and for initalisation
- extends keyword used to state
the superclass of a subclass:
Bike extends Vehicle