Functions of Carbohydrates


Mindmap am Functions of Carbohydrates, erstellt von roseannahunter98 am 24/06/2013.
Mindmap von roseannahunter98, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von roseannahunter98 vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Functions of Carbohydrates
  1. They are the bodies preferred and main source of energy
    1. 1 gram provides 4 Kcal energy
      1. Sugar provides the body with a quick release of energy
        1. Converted into glucose and stored in the body as fat
          1. Starch energy is released slowly
            1. Acts like a protein sparer- so that protein can be used for its main function rather than a source of energy.
              1. NSP helps to prevent constipation and diverticular disease.
                1. Helps to bind toxins from the body to prevent the risk of bowel cancer
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