Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Captain Fantastic
- Left wing ideology
- Shared responsibility
- Scene of butchering the
deer in montage like
- Significance of Ben passing
daughter the rope that the
deer is on, then girl hands
sister knife
- Jump cut to
schedule' shows
everything is
done as equally
as possible
- Anti-capitalism
- Do not celebrate mainstream holidays
- Celebrate Noam Chomsky day
- Philosopher and political activist
- Stealing from the shopping
market shows they're against
the social capitalistic constructs
- Identification
- Increased in scenes
involving hallucinations of
Ben's wife
- Character-audience
- Dual perspective of life
- Ben
- lives off the surroundings (anti-capitalist)
- Opening scene when they kill and prepare a
deer to eat, could be seen as very dangerous for
the audience
- Fails to conform to the
rules set buy society
- Shown when he shop lifts from
the supermarket with his kids
- Suffers loss-wants to move on
- Shown when he breaks the news
to his children in a blunt and
shocking way, it does not interfere
with their routine the day later
- Jack
- Lives the archetypal
middle-upper classed lifestyle
- Lives in a massive house which is shown to be a
selfish display of wealth when compared with
Ben's house
- Conforms to social norms
- Sits in his daughters funeral at the front,
wearing appropriate clothing unlike Ben.
- Suffers loss-wants to grieve
- He wants his daughter to have a standard
funeral as a send off however Ben wants her to
be celebrated by those who loved her
- Mise-en-Scene
- Symbolism of hair with transition
and change of identity
- Costume: outdated old clothes
suggest they're out of touch with
society and living in the past
- Irony in daughter going into A&E being in an artificial
environment as a last resort to save her life. Ben is
Anti-establishment and institution.
- Editing
- Bo becoming a man at the
beginning in this rite of
passage, slow moving
camera paired with faster
- Conforms to continuity editing from start to finish
- 'related shots paired together from the
same clip puts the audience attention
onto something specific, for example
the deer at the beginning.
- Bens hallucinations show editing techniques used:
- Visual Softness, choral music, lighting
effects showing her appear, and fade