Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Simple epithelia
- Simple cuboidal epithelia
- single layer
- appear square
- Found on
secretory or lining
- e.g. thyroid gland, kidney tubules, ducts of
other glands, and covering of ovary
- Simple squamous epithelia
- appear flattened
- single layer
- Reduces friction
adjacent cells
- e.g. wall of Bowmans capsule, lining outside the heart, gut,
peritoneum and pleural cavities
- Simple columnar epithelia
- appear longer than they are wide
- single layer
- Nucleus often basally positioned
- tight junctions
- e.g. digestive tract, gall bladder, bile ducts and many
different glands
- Villi may be present on intestinal cells and gobelt cells are interspersed
- Pseudostratified epithelia
- pseudostratified ciliated columnar
- nuclei are at different levels giving the false
impression of several layers of cells
- single layer
- All cells are attached to basement membrane but
not necessarily reach the surface
- e.g. upper respiratory tract, (nose, trachea,
bronchi and bronchioles)
- Stratified epithelia
- Stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelia
- protective function, resistant to abrasion
- e.g. extremities of digestive tract (buccal
cavity, oesophagus and anal canal), also
- associated with moist surfaces
- many layers
- Stratified squamous keratinized epithelia
- mechanically protective and moisture proof
- e.g. skin
- more than one layer
- dead cells at the surface
- Transitional epithelia
- present ONLY in urinary passage i.e ureter, bladder and urethra
- Superficial cells are rounder and sometimes binucleate
- NOTE shape of cell
changes when tissue is
- Similar to stratified sqaumous non-keratinized