Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The ultimate history mind map: Term 3
- Finding the wreck of the sea venture
- The pottery that was found in
Plymouth, Virginia and on the
- The Clay pipe that was not used after 1610
- The lead weight not with the stamp of King James 1st, who was
coronated in 1603
- The English ballast stones (smooth, from the bottom of a river)
- Survival and Settlelment in Bermuda
- Built shacks with palm leaf roofs
- Ate hogs and cahows and turtles
- Dug Wells to catch rain water
- Harvested berries and prickly pears and palm
- Early Settlement in Bermuda in 1612
- Richard Moore was the first governor
- Built bridges, churches and basic houses
- Built defenses
- Social, political and economic developments in the
early 1600's
- Social
- Innocent women were
often accused of being
- By the 1620's indentured sevants and
apprentices were being replaced by
native americans and black people
- Tucker brought in a
surgeon and gave
everyone rat poison
and made fresh water
- Political
- Daniel Tucker became
Governor in 1616 and laid
down laws on gun
powder and fishing nets
and lines
- Richard Norwood
divided the island into
'tribes' or privately
owned parishes
- In 1864 the Bermuda company
was dissolved and the island
became a colony of the crown
- Economic
- About 290 housholds and
each had a portion of land
alloted to it and marked out
- Jobs: whaling, pearl diving, farming and
- Cash crop= tobacco
- Settlement in North America
- Four countries that settled in North America were
- France
- Spain
- Britain
- Denmark
- What was produced in each of the 13 colonies
- North
- Milk, cheese, beans and fish
- South
- Rice, tobacco and cotton
- Central
- Wheat, barley, oats and corn
- Slavery in Bermuda
- Joshua Marsden
- Started a Sunday school for black
children that taught them to read
and write
- In 1827 the slaves of Bermuda built their own church
- Seafaring slaves
- Sometimes worked on salt farms on Turks island
- Slaves followed their masters into the buisness
- whalers and pilots