cognition/emotion debate


Mindmap am cognition/emotion debate, erstellt von p grant am 05/10/2014.
p grant
Mindmap von p grant, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
p grant
Erstellt von p grant vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

cognition/emotion debate
  1. Lazarus (1982)
    1. Supported cognitive appraisal theory that emotions result from cognitive processes, claims that cog. appraisal essential to experience emotion
      1. Showed participants anxiety provoking films - one set with sound track one without
        1. Found that participants who heard the sound track had lower physiological measurements
          1. Suggests that cognitive appraisal can alter emotional repsonse
            1. Doesn't prove cognition precedes emotion only that it can influence it
          2. Ethical considerations
        2. Zajonc (1980)
          1. Disagreed with Cognitive appraisal theory that emotions result from cognitive processes
            1. Similar to James -Lange - we don't need to think to feel emotion
            2. emotions do not need cognitive process
              1. emotion precedes cognition: we think before we feel
                1. cognitive appraisal is separate to other aspects of emotion
                  1. "Mere exposure effect"(people prefer items that they have been exposed to over novel ones.
                    1. He claimed subliminal items were not processed cognitively (Disproved) and assumed that preference was therefore linked to emotion
                  2. Neither Zajonc or Lazarus's arguments are conclusive
                    1. Both agree that a minimal amount of cog process is required for emotion
                    2. Le Doux (1989) suggests that both may be correct
                      1. Using lesioned animals he showed that some brain structures were necessary to specific emotions (amygdala and thalamus - fear)
                        1. Lower route (associated with older evolutionary structures) takes sensory info to the thalamus and then the amydala. Fast and direct
                          1. Higher route (associated with newer evolutionary structures) relays info through a more complex route thalamus to sensory cortex and then the amygdala
                            1. The low route supports Zajonc's theory while the high route supports Lazarus's. This indicates that both theories may be correct
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