Discourse Communities


Mindmap am Discourse Communities, erstellt von valeria de la canal am 15/06/2018.
valeria de la canal
Mindmap von valeria de la canal, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
valeria de la canal
Erstellt von valeria de la canal vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Discourse Communities
  1. Soñar Despierto
    1. Rotary International
      1. Cheerleading
        1. They intercommunicate by their dance and move while the routine is going.
          1. Our specific lexis are key words and numbers that are used to coordinate the routine.
            1. The common public goal of a cheerleading team is to compete with other teams and show their routine.
            2. Church
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              ähnlicher Inhalt

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              Lea Schmidt
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