Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Lady Macbeth
- 'Yet I have thought
good to deliver... lay
it to thy heart and
- Letter to Lady Macbeth -
Macbeth says in the letter
that he wants to bring her
good news. This means
that Macbeth trusts her.
- Quotes
- 'Yet I do fear thy
nature: The illness
would attend it.
- Lady Macbeth doubts Macbeth
because he is too kind to
achieve anything evil. 'thou
wouldst be great' - Macbeth
just needs to cut out emotion,
but Lady Macbeth is concerned
about him because if he is to kill
Duncan, then his emotion will
overthrow him
- 'Hie thee hither... to have thee crown'd withal'
- 'fate and metaphysical aid did doth seem to have the
crown'd withal' - Lady Macbeth does believe in the
supernatural because straight away, she believes in the
prophecy with no question, that the three witches
formulated. 'pour my spirits in thine ear' - Lady
Macbeth is already asking the spirits to help her and
Macbeth to become King and Queen. She is already
formulating plan meaning that she is very eager about
the thought of being queen and wants to help
- The reven himself is
hoarse... under my
- 'my battlements' - the way Lady
Macbeth says 'my' sugguests
that she is the controller of the
battles and that she is
determined to kill king Duncan.
- 'Come you spirits... The
affect and it!'
- 'Come you spirits' - invokes the supernatural.
'unsex me here' - removeher fiminity - Lady
Macbeth is very commited to the supernatural.
'Fill me from the crown toe top full of direst
cruelty' - Lady Macbeth is very concerned about
her husband because he is too kind therefore she
takes on the responsibility of that should be his.
- Your face, my Thane, is a
book where men... Give
solely sovereign sway
and masterdom.
- 'my Thane' - flattering him to
persuade Macbeth to kill King
Duncan. 'Your face, my Thane, is a
book where men may read strange
matters.' - explaining his weakness
(people will see his intent). 'Look like
th'innocent, but be the serpent
under't. ' - look innocent but be evil
behind the 'mask'. This links to Eve
from the bible and how she fell for the
- 'Leave all the
rest to me'
- The way Lady Macbeth uses imperative verbs
shows that she is quite a bossy, cotrolling and
demanding character. She uses very useful
techniques to get what she wants. 'only look
up clear' - she is giving Macbeth clear oders in
order to gain victory.
- Lady Macbeth's
persuation methods
- Emotional blackmail
- Lady Macbeth took this to the
extreme, because she says that
she would murder her child (if
she had one) if she had sworn to
do so for him. This would reach
Macbeth's heart because it
imforms him how far she would
go - all for him. This quote show
this: 'And dashed the brains out,
had I sworn as you, have done to
- Making assumptions
- Accusion of cowardice
- When Macbeth consults to Lady
Macbeth that he doen't want to
proceed with the murder she makes
an assumption that he is being a
coward. She says: 'Woulst thou have that
which thou esteem'st the ornament
of life, and live a coward in thine
own esteem.'
- Play with his thoughts and twist his reputation
- Macbeth is meant to be a warrior, but Lady Macbeth is
purposefully doubting him. This would play with his
emotion because as a wife, Lady Macbeth should be
respecting him. However, not only is she doubting him
but she is also making him think that he will be more of a
warrior if he proceeds with the plan - twisting his reputation.
- Sequence of events involving Lady
Macbeth (Flow Map)
- Act 1 Scene 5 Line no.10 - Lady
Macbeth is reading the letter from
Macbeth about his victory in the battle.
She must be feeling jubiliant and happy
with Macbeth. She also might be
thinking hard to formulate a plan to
achieve being Queen.
- Act 1 Scene 5 Line no.10 - She
formulates a plan to kill Duncan and
asks for the Supernatural's help to
unsex her and make her brave
because she is worried that Macbeth
can't do that. He's too noble. Lady
Macbeth is probably be feeling
confident and single-minded.
- Act 1 Scene 5 Line no.60She
greets Macbeth as he arrives from
the battle and persuades him to
kill Duncan through a variety of
ways - like flattering him and being
demanding. She is feeling hopeful
and tactful.
- Act 1 Scene 7 Line no. 10
- As the hostess of the
feast, Lady Macbeth
gathers everyone
together in their castle
for a banquet.
- Act 1 Scene 7 Line no.30 - Macbeth consults to
her that he wants to give up the plan, to keep up
his reputation as everyone adores him. Lady
Macbeth might be feeling upset, annoyed and
surprised with Macbeth that he changed his
mind. She had to pick a persuation method that
had a strong effect on him, because he was quite
stubborn with niot wanting to kill Duncan.
- Act 1 Scene 7 Line no.40 - Lady Macbeth
is very tactful, because she explains to him
about the plan, accuses he of being a
coward and emotionally blackmails him to
change his mind. She may be feeling
worried that he thinks this about the plan,
but relieved that he agreed in the end.
- How Lady Macbeth feels about the series
of deaths that Macbeth planned without
- Guilty - Lady Macbeth might feel guilty because she
is concerned of her hands, thinking that
Duncan's blood is still on them as well as an odour. Because of this, she
must've been recalling the night of the murder. Therefore, she
is guilty about it because she is regretfully thinking back.
- 'Wash your hands, put on your nightgown
- Quote: 'Wash your hands, put on your nightgown, look not so pale'
- Worried - She may feel worried because of the fact that Macbeth keeps killing all the possible threats to him. This could
meant that they could be suspected of Duncan's death and be executed because of the patterns. When she keeps worrying
about her hands it, could link to the fact that she is guilty and people could find out - it is not actually on her hands but it's as
if she's wearing the guilt that people could soon notice.
- Quote: 'Here's the smell of the
blood still: all the perfumes of
Arabia will not sweeten this little
hand. Oh,oh,oh...'
- Mad - She can't think straight so is forgetting things, because she is so troubled
it is driving her insane. Lady Macbeth is also talking to herself - in this case
asking herself questions aloud - because she is too overwhelmed. During the
day she is forced to not mention them for her own safety, but atnight she can't
help the all 'leaking' out because of the amount of stress she is going through.
- 'The Thane of Fife had a wife:
where is she now?'
- In my opinion, I think that Lady Macbeth is quite a
controlling character. This is because throughout Scene
5, she shows a lot of leadership over Macbeth. Foe
example she says: 'Only look up clear: to alter favour,
ever is to fear. Leave all the rest to me.' The imperative
verb shows that she is very demanding, and also due to
her hunger for Macbeth to come king, she is almost
forceful to Macbeth because she wants the plan to
succeed. She has clearly identified his weaknesses and
taken thenm on as her jobs.
- Lady Macbeth
- Rich and important- she has a castle and servants and messangers. She is adressede by the king
as a fair and noble hostess, which is very unusual because women were generally
considered lower. So she must b very high up, especially if it's by the king.
- Loving - in love
with Macbeth
because he
adresses her as
'my dearest love'.