Why did the Communists and Capitalists distrust each other?


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Why did the Communists and Capitalists distrust each other?
  1. Ideologies
    1. The USSR was a communist State this meant:
      1. It was a one-party dictatorship, elections WERE held but only candidates from the communist party could run.
        1. All big industries and buisnesses were state owned, this meant that its industry could grow rapidly but the standard of living was higher, but unemployment lower as the state employed more people.
          1. In the communist state the rights of the individual were less inportant than the rights of a good society, which meant the lives of individials were tightly controlled.
          2. Capitalism
            1. The USA was a capitalist country, this meant:
              1. Free elections where anyone can stand for candidate.
                1. Business and property was privately owned.
                  1. Its economy was strong but the system had both extremes, great wealth and great poverty
                2. This ideological distrust was due to the differences in systems, capitalists had more individual freedoms with free elections and business but communists had a more equal society a more equal wealth distribution, though both had strong economies.
                  1. More distrust came from the beliefs of the people and their leaders, the soviet leaders wanted more countries to be run the 'communist way', where as the America public wanted the world to be run the 'American way'
                3. Russian Civil War
                  1. During the Russian Civil war, western forces were part of an effort to destroy the Bolsheviks, this would have cause tension between the countries and for Stalin would have made his distrust the USA, UK and France the most as they sent armies to fight them.
                  2. The Red Scare
                    1. The Red scare would have caused distrust of communists by Americas. In the 1920s waves of immigrants created an anti-immigrants views in the public, and when bombs were sent killing many.
                      1. The Red scare caused the Palmer raids, these were hugely supported by the public, but also caused the public to fear and distrust the communists and their way of life even though only a few out of 60,000 were actually communist.
                    2. UK General Strikes, 1926
                      1. In 1926 Britain faced a general strike, the government at the time reacted violently, this was because of British distrust of soviets, and blaming their agents for causing them
                        1. Due to this the British government distrusted the soviets more than before, and the soviets distrusted the British more because of the blame they received.
                      2. Nuclear Weapons
                        1. The US were the first to use nuclear weapons in a battle. Unfortunately Truman was very secretive of the project.
                          1. The US secretive manner of the project shocked Stalin, increasing his distrust of Capitalists further. In retaliation the Russians Basically stole the secrets from the US and tested their first in 1949, destroying the US monopoly on Nuclear weapons.
                            1. These Nuclear weapons caused massive distrust in each other as the Communists feared the Capitalists, but the capitalists feared the Communists, causing distrust and tensions to rise further, leading to Nuclear weapons to be placed in Turkey and Cuba
                            2. The Distrust of Capitalists increased when the US used it on Japan in order to prevent Soviet intervention. The Soviets saw it as a direct threat to the Communist way.
                          2. Red Hunts
                            1. In response to the increased threats of communists future US president R. Nixon led the early Red hunts.
                              1. These Red Hunts had the same effect as the Red Scare of the 1920s, the public were made more distrustful and hateful of the Communist way of life, unfortunately the hunts soon became witch hunts.
                            2. Korean War
                              1. The Korean War shows us the distrust of Communists and Capitalists in action. Soviets backed North Korea and the US backed South Korea. When the south pushed North Koreans near the Communist China border, China felt threatened. The Communist distrust of Capitalism in China led to a massive attack by the Chinese, forcing the US back to the 38th Parallel, where the border originally was.
                              2. McCarthyism
                                1. Joseph McCarthy, senator for Wisconsin, with increasingly negative views of communists used his influence to cause more distrust and fear of communism.
                                  1. McCarthy, in the 1950s accused more than 200 federal employees of being communists, mostly consisting of critics of the Red Hunts.
                                    1. In the end there was no proof for McCarthy's accusations but the damage was done and the Capitalist public was more distrustful of the Communists.
                                2. Appeasement
                                  1. In the build up to the second world war Britain were the main Capitalists dealing with Germany. Stalin was massively critical of the appeasement making him distrust the British as strength was all Stalin saw.
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