Impact on North


Modern History (Conflict in Indochina) Mindmap am Impact on North, erstellt von lisajoy316 am 05/07/2013.
Mindmap von lisajoy316, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von lisajoy316 vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Impact on North
  1. Viet Cong lost its best fighters
    1. large number of NLF Cadres were killed
      1. Political Structure Virtually wiped out
      2. Greatly reduced their ability to threaten the Americans further
        1. Shifted the attention from Guerrilla warfare to conventional fighting
          1. North Vietnam took over control from the weakened NLF
            1. Took the VC and NVA four years to recover from the military set backs
              1. More Cadres were sent from North Vietnam to educate the southerners to support them
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