Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Primary prevention = diet
and lifestyle, excercise,
cholesterol lowering drugs
- not antiplatlets
- Antiplatelet treatment for
primary prevention of CVD
- Patients with hypertension and reduced eGFR
- only group aspirin treatment is allowed for primary prevention because in this case the risk of bleeding outweighs the benefit of CD risk reduction
- Hypertension must be
controlled at less than
- Aspirin
- Antiplatelets fo 2ndry prevention
- Aspirin + antiplatelets for
up to 12 months post MI
- Inditcations
- Angina
- previous MI
- previous stroke
or TIA
- Peripheral Arterial
- AF
- Clopidogrel monotherapy if
aspirin contraindicated
- Anticoagulants
- MEchanism of Action
- Inhibit clotting factors produced
in the liver with the help of
Vitamin K
- Warfarin
- competetive
vitamin K inhibitor
- Monitoring
- Regular blood
- daily or alternate days at the beginning of treatment, then longer intervals depending on response, then up to every 12 weeks
- anticoagulant treatment alert card
- indications
- rheumatic heart disease
- AF
- Prosthetic
- PE
- Interactions
- direct-acting antivirals
in treatment of Hep C
- changes in liver function may affect efficacy of vit K antagonists
- Vit K foods and
- Pomegranate
- major changes in diet or
alcohol consuptions may
require redosing
- Side Effects
- calciphylaxis
- small blood clots, painful skin ulcers and potentially serious infections which can lead to death, as a result of calcium accumulations in small blood vessels of the fat and skin tissues
- Alopecia
- diarrhoea
- hepatic
- jaundice
- pancreatitis
- purpura
- N&V
- skin ncecrosis
- increased
risk with
protein C or
S deficiency
- Purple toes
- fatigue
- Contraindications
- Bacterial
- hyperthyroidism
- peptic ulcer
- post-partum (at
least 1 week)
- uncontrolled
- recent surgery
- recent
ischaemic stroke
- Conception & Pregnancy
- Teratogenic!
- hepatic
- renal impairment-
- breastfeeding- caution
due to vit K deficieny
- Heparin
- compete with vitamin K
- Side Effects
- Rare
- rebound hyperlipidaemia (
following unfractionated
heparin withdrawal)
- skin necrosis
- urticaria
- injection site reactions
- osteoporosis- lower risk in LMWH
- hyperkalaemia
- LMWH can inhibit aldosteron secretion. Those with DM, chronic renal failure, acidosis, raised plasma potassium or taking postassium-sparing diuretics are more susceptible
- alopecia (prolonged use
- angiodema
- priapism
- Heamorrhage
- protamine sulfate
atidote for rapid
- Heparin- induced thrombocytopenia
- immune mediated reaction that does not usually develop until after 5-10 days.
Signs: 30% reduction of platelet count, thrombosis or skin allergy
Alternative anticoagulant like danaparoid should be given
- Indications
- mild to moderate PE
- unstable angina
- acute peripheral
arterial occlusion
- VTE prophylaxis as
- VTE in pregnancy
- Haemodialysis
- prevention of clotting in
extracorporeal circuits
- injected direct to the device as a flush
- maintain patency of
catheters, cannulas and
other iv infusion decvise
- injected direct to device as a flush
- interactions
- antihistamines
- Aspirin
- Vit K foods and supplements
- Digoxin
- Quinine
- Tetracyclin antibiotics
e.g doxycycline
- contraindications
- Acute bacterial
- major trauma
- epidural
- haemophilia
and other
- peptic ulcer
- recent cerebral haemorrhage
- recent eye surgery
- recent nervous surgery
- severe hypertension
- thrombocytopenia
- Monitoring
- Measure platelet
count before
- regulare platelet counts may
be required if given for
longer than 4 days to pick up
- plasma potassium conc
should be measured in
patients at risk of
hyperrkalaemia before
treatment and monitored
regularly thereafter
- Indications
- high risk stroke
- AF
- Valve replacement
- Side Effects
- bruising
- Skin rash
- cerebral heamorrhages
- GI bleeds
- Fondaparinux
- MoA
- Factor X inhibitor
- Indications
- VTE prophylaxis after
major orthopaedic surger
or abdo surgery
- VTE prophylaxis in
immobilised patients
- superficial-vein thrombosis
- unstable angina and
nonn-ST MI
- DVT and PE
- Side Effects
- anaemia
- bleeding
- purpura
- chest pain
- confusion
- dizziness/ drwosiness
- flushing
- headache
- hyperbilirubinaemia
- hypokalaemia
- injection site reactions
- vertigo
- Contraindications
- Active bleeding
- bacterial endocarditis
- interactions
- thrombolytic drugs e.g alteplase
- anticoaggulants
- antiplatelets
- Apixaban
- MoA
- Factor Xa inhibitor
- side effects
- Anaemia
- Bruising
- Haemorrhage
- nausea
- hypotension
- rash
- thrombocytopenia
- indications
- joint replacement prophylaxis
- treatment and
propylaxis of
recurrent DVT and
- Prophylaxis of stroke and
systemic embolis in
non-valvular AF and at least
one risk factor
- containdications
- Risk factors for major
bleeding afformentioned
- prosthetic heart valve
- anaesthesia with postoperative
indwelling epidural catheter
- Pregnancy and
- interactions
- Antiplatelets
- heparin
- Dabigatran
- Side Effects
- hepatobiliary disorders
- abdominal pain
- anaemia
- diarrhoea
- dyspepsia
- haemorrhage
- nausea
- oesophagitis
- GI ulcer
- Indications
- VTE prophylaxis following
knee or hip replacement
- DVT treatment and
2ndry prevention
- PE treatment and
2ndry prevention
- DVT or PE tratment
and prophylaxis when
Warfarin is
contraindicated i.e
renal and hepatic
impoirment and
increased risk of
- concomitant treatment with verapamil
- stroke and systemic
embolism prophylaxis in
non-valvular AF with ome
or more risk factors e.g
previous stroke,
symptomatic HT...
- Contraindications
- active bleeding
- prosthetic heart valve
- malignant neoplasms
- oesophageal varices
- recent breain surgery or
intravcranial bleed
- recent GI ulcer
- recent opthalmic surgery
- recent spinal surgery
- vascular aneurysm
- anaesthesia with
postoperative indwelling
epidural catherter
- Caution
- <50Kg
- elderly
- GORD or gastritis
- bacterial endocarditis
- recent trauma
- thrombocytopenia
- bleeding disorders
- pregnancy, breast feeding
- severe liver disease
- Monitoring
- in renal impairment
moniter renal function >
- Interactions
- Aspirin
- antiplatelets
- anticoagulants
- MoA
- Direct thrombin hihibitor
- Antiplatelets
- Mechanism of Action
- Inhhibit the productions of
thromboxane which
recruits platelets
- Drugs
- Asspirin
- side effects
- bronchospasm
- confusion
- heamorrhages
- GI
- Subconjuctival
- skin reactions in
- tinnitus
- Salicylate poisoning
- hyperventilation
- tinnitus
- deafness
- vasodilation
- sweating
- coma in sever
- contraindications
- <16yrs old
- causes Reye's Syndrome
- Excepted idicated e.g for
Kawasaki Disease
- severe HF
- peptic ulcers
- haemophilia
- caution in
- allergic disease
- anaemia
- elderly
- dehydration
- G6DP deficiency
- thyrotoxicosis
- uncontrolled hypertension
- Breastfeeding
- hepatic impairment
- interactions
- Live flu vaccine
- methotrexate
- varicella virus live vacine
- corticosteroids
- MoA
- Cox inhibitor. Cyclooxygenase
required for prostaglandin and
thromboxane synthesis
- Clpidogrel
- MoA
- Inhibits P2Y2 ADP
receptor, inhibiting
platelet activation
- Interactions
- makes clopidogrel less effective
- lanzoprazole may be ok
- Thienopyridines
- prasugrel
- ticagrelor
- ticlopidine
- Indications
- When aspirin isn't torelated or contraindicated
- Acute Coronary syndrome
- Post stroke
- Side Effects
- abdo pain
- gastric ulverls
- parashtesia
- pruritus
- eosinophilia
- decreased platelets
- Dipyridamole
- MoA
- inhibits adenosine deaminase and
phosphodiesterase, preventing the
breakdown of cAMP which inhibits
platelet function by reducing
thromboxane A2 activity.
- Side Effects
- angiodema
- dizziness
- GI disturbance
- hot flushes
- myalgia
- severe bronchospasm
- tachycardia
- thrombocytopenia
- urticaria
- worsoneing symptoms
of coronary heat
- Interactions
- beta blockers
- anitriptyline
- increased hypotensive ability
- Contraindications
- aortic stenosis
- hypotension
- left ventricular outflow obstruction
- heart failure
- myathenia gravis
- recent MI
- worsening angina
- Indications
- adjuct to oral anticogulations for
prophylaxis of thomboembolism
associated wtih oristgetuc geart
- ticlopidine
- MoA
- blocks the ADP receptor that
is involved in thromboxane
release and platelet
- Indications
- if aspirin is contraindicated
- failure of aspirin to
prevent thrombotic stroke
- monitor WBC and platelets
- Contraindications
- thrombocytopenia
- neutropenia
- TTP (thrombotic
- apalstic anaemia
- Side Effects
- Diarrhea
- stomach upset
- dizziness
- tinitus
- pruritus
- Interactions
- antacids
- phenytoin
- theophylline
- Indication
- primary and secondary
prevention of stroke
- reduces severity of
stroke if taken within
two days
- longterm prevention
following TIA
- Contraindications
- history of liver or
kidney disease
- GI disease or
peptic ulcers
- hypertension
- bleeding disorders
- Asthma