Varieties of Nationalism


Licenciatura Sociologia Mindmap am Varieties of Nationalism, erstellt von sofiademorais am 10/10/2014.
Mindmap von sofiademorais, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sofiademorais vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Varieties of Nationalism
  1. Part 1: Political VS Ethnic Nations
    1. Political VS Ethnic Nations
      1. Implications for the question of immigration
        1. Implications for the response to globalization?
          1. The distinction between political and ethnic nations was rediscovered to study responses to immigration, however, we may also theorize some implications for responses to (the homogenizing pressures) of globalization:
        2. Part 2: Complicating the picture
          1. Two political nations respond to diversity
            1. Castles Proposal - 3 models
              1. Koopmans proposal - a 2 dimensional approach
              2. Key question for every nationalist
                1. If the “national unit” (the nation) and the state should be congruent, the question than arises Who belongs to the nation, and who not? Historically, two ideal typical answers emerged, based on:
                  1. The ethnic principle, equating the nation with the ethnic group (aka “deterministic”)
                    1. The political principle, equating the nation with a political group (aka “voluntaristic”, “territorial” or “civic”)
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