Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Walford Project : Idea
- Game.
- Chose your own
- Point and click.
- RPG.
- "Sight seeing tour".
- 3D or 2D?
- Horror.
- Visual Art.
- Photography.
- A series of art works
with a common theme.
- Cities of the world.
- Surrealism.
- Social Commentary.
- Parody.
- Mural.
- Symbolic.
- Collage.
- Portrait.
- Charcoal.
- Water colour.
- Acrylic paints.
- Chalk.
- Doodles.
- Costume design.
- Board game.
- Comic.
- Writing.
- Compilation of short stories.
- Encyclopedia style book on
urban legends.
- Novel.
- Fantasy.
- Horror.
- Mystery.
- Crime.
- Thriller.
- Fiction.
- Non-fiction.
- Play writing.
- Internet.
- Alternate reality game.
- Website design.
- Dark web.
- Investigation.
- Something similar to BuzzFeed's
Unsolved; taking a closer look
at a cold case.
- Theories on T.V. shows.
- Conspiracy Theories.
- Urban Exploration.
- Drama.
- Short films.
- Horror.
- Animation.
- Traditional.
- Digital.
- Stop motion.
- Adventure.
- Fantasy.
- Thriller.
- Mock-umentary.