Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- What is it?
- Why do certain individuals desire to
end their lives in this manner?
- Old age
- The individual is satisfied with the
life that they have had and does not
believe that they have anything
more to contribute to
- Incurable medical condition
- Causes a lot of pain /suffering
- Terminal illness - causes death soon
- It is often described as
'assisted suicide'
- Why hasn't it been legalised in
Australia yet?
- Ethical Considerations
- Do the benifits outweigh
the repercussions?
- Would it be morally correct to
encourage someone to essentially
- Should there be a 'right to commit suicide' on
an individual's own will?
- Exploitation of this option
- It may be used to end a life for the wrong
reasons - for something that can be
improved without needing to die
- Who should this option
be open to?
- Terminally ill patients
- Very elderly people
- The vulnerability concern
- patients who don't want to
commit euthanasia might feel as
though they are a burden
- This may cause them to feel subltly pressurised
(whether the pressure is actually present or just
imagined) to end their lives when they don't
really want to by their own free will