
Mapa Mental en THEORY OF VALUE, creado por ANA NAVA en 21/08/2018.
Mindmap von ANA NAVA, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von ANA NAVA vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. The physiocratic theory
    1. Where?
      1. France
      2. When?
        1. In the middle of the 18th century
        2. Theoretical assumptions
          1. Agriculture is the only productive activity
            1. Rent
              1. Net income
                1. New material subsistence
                  1. Net product
                    1. The wages that pay the labour of the industrial population
                  2. Quesnay
                    1. First articles
                      1. 1756-1757
                        1. In famous encyclopedia
                          1. Depicting the superiority of large scale
                        2. Attributed
                          1. The decline of agriculture to heavy taxes and to the artificially low price of corn
                          2. In 1758
                            1. Tableau economique
                              1. The first attempt To depict as a unified whole the entire process of the reproduction circulation distribution and consumption of a society’s product
                              2. Economie Générale te politique de I’agriculture
                              3. Wish
                                1. To trace out the path of social reproduction
                              4. Mistakes
                                1. They confused the increase of material substance with the increase of exchange value
                                  1. They understand the exclusive productivity of agriculture
                                    1. As ability to yield surplus quantum of value
                                      1. As ability to produce a surplus quantity of material product
                                  2. turgot
                                    1. restored the freedom of the domestic corn trade
                                      1. vs
                                        1. the court aristocracy
                                          1. the gentry
                                            1. the tax farmers
                                          2. England
                                            1. the 18th century
                                              1. different forms of industrial organization
                                                1. diffused system of cottage or domestic large- scale industry
                                                  1. capitallist enterprises, or manufactories
                                                    1. independent handicrafts
                                                    2. Adam Smith
                                                      1. it is labour in general that he proclaims the sole source of wealth
                                                        1. social division of labour
                                                          1. technical, manufactory
                                                          2. division of labour
                                                            1. branches of production
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