Zusammenfassung der Ressource
CAFOD: Why and how are CAFOD are
trying to end world poverty
- What is CAFOD?
- Major Catholic agency working for
world development and supported
by the Catholics of England and
- Catholic Funding for
Overseas Development
- It was established by the
Catholic Bishops of England
and Wales in 1962
- How are CAFOD trying to end world poverty?
- Development Programmes
- CAFOD promotes long-term development so that
LEDCs can become self-supporting and have the
opportunities to become MEDCs.
- Some examples of CAFOD's development aid are:
- The area around Hola in southern eastern Kenya is
arid and poor. It has 12,000 people. They have no
access to state health care. Since 1985 CAFOD has
been helping the Hola Catholic Mission health
- During this time,
3 clinics have
opened and 40
health workers
have been trained
to provide basic
medical care and
advice on hygiene,
nutrition and
child health.
- Disasters and Emergancies
- CAFOD has a disaster fund to deal with
natural disasters and refugees, which
often have have to take priority over
long-term aid.
- CAFOD's emergency aid includes:
- Sending food
- Antibotics
- Shelters
- Raising awarness
- About 5% of CAFOD's budget is spent
on educating the people and
churches of England and Wales about
the need for development and the
ways in which Catholics can help.
- It publishes a newspaper called
'Friday' and many educational
- These give information not only
about what CAFOD is doing, but also
about world development.
- Speaking out on behalf of those effected
- CAFOD was heavily involved in the
Make Poverty History campaign of
2005, the biggest ever global
mobilisation to end poverty.
- It is now involved in the Trade Justice Campaign to change
the rules and practises of international trade to help
developing countries work themselves out of poverty.
- CAFOD is also campaigning to cancel the debt
owned by some of the world's poorest
- Many developing countries spend twice as
much on debt repayment to rich creditors than
they do on healthcare and education.
- CAFOD also promotes Fairtrade products to bring better
prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and
fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing
- Why is CAFOD trying to end world poverty?
- According to the New Testament,
riches must be used for the help of
others, especially the poor.
- In the bible Jesus tells the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats.
He says 'When I was hungry, you fed me. When I was thirsty,
you gave me drink.' The good people asked Jesus if you they
had ever done this, and he replied 'If you have done it for the
least of my brothers, you did it for me'
- Catholics want to help Jesus, so
they help the poor and suffering.
- Also teaches, the way to heaven is helping
those less fortunate than yourself.
- In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew
5 - 7), Jesus taught Christians should
share their time and possessions to
help those in need.
- The Golden Rule for Christians is to treat
others the way you want to be treated.