Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Research Methods
- Quantitave research methods
- Those which focus on
numbers and frrequencies
rather than those on meaning
and experience
- eg experiments,
and psychometric
- Qualitative research methods
- ways of collecting data which
are concerned with describing
meaning, rather than with
drawing statistical inferences
- eg case studies and interviews
- Variables
- Independant
variable- the variable
that the researcher
- Dependant
variable- the
varialbe with is
- IV affects the DV
- Operationalisations
means making the
variables measurable
- Confounding variables
are those which are not
the IV but may affect the
- Hypothesis
- Non directional says that
there will be a differece
between results but not
what that difference will
- Directional tells you
that there will be a
difference between
two results and
predicts the
- Null predicts that there will be no difference
- DO NOT: include an explanation or use imprecise terms