Zombie Attack


Mindmap am Zombie Attack, erstellt von Yeraldin Beytar am 02/09/2018.
Yeraldin Beytar
Mindmap von Yeraldin Beytar, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Yeraldin Beytar
Erstellt von Yeraldin Beytar vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Zombie Attack
  1. Professor Clark is an important scientist
    1. He`s working on a new serum
      1. Dead people in the cemetery are suddenly alive again
        1. Tasha cals the local TV station
        2. Tasha kiara a is young scientist
          1. One day tsh sees something awful
            1. The professor injects a dead rat
              1. It s in the hills near the little town of brillo
                1. One day a big earthquake hits the town
                  1. A lot of zombies come alter professor clark
                    1. Dead people are coming alive
                      1. They attack him hungrily and there is an awful cry
                  2. Tasha opens the lab door an goes in
            2. Day and night he works in his lab
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