Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Australian Constitution
- Overview
- 8 Chapters and the Preamble
- 128 Sections
- Created in 1901 as a
means of creating
- Constitution Definition
- The fundamental rules that set out the structure,
powers, processes and procedures of government
intended to shape the exercise of political and legal
- Chapter 1: The
- describes the legislative arm of the
Commonwealth government
- Section 7: Senate members are to be
directly chosen by the people. There shall
be an equal number of senators for each
original state. Senators chosen for a tern
of 6 years and their names certified to the
- Section 12: Writs for Senate
elections for a State issued by
the GG
- Section 24: House of Reps members to be directly
chosen by the people and that House to have twice the
membership of the Senate (Nexus Clause). Seat
Numbers based on population but no original state to
have less than 5.
- Section 51: Powers of Parliament (exclusive
powers) including trade with other nations and
among states, taxation, bounties on export
goods, naval and military defence and forces to
uphold law, census & statistics, marriage etc.
- Section 57: A proposed law that is rejected
twice by the Senate may lead to a double
dissolution of the Parliament. If the election
that follows fails to resolve the issue the GG
may call a joint sitting of both Houses.
Deadlock is resolved by majority vote.
- Chapter 2: Executive
- gives executive power to the Queen's
representative. The role of the PM and the
mechanisms of responsible government is
left to convention.
- Section 61
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Preamble
- Specifies the basis of authority of the
formal Constitution
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8