Walking with Difficulty


Mindmap am Walking with Difficulty, erstellt von Salma Moustafa am 12/09/2018.
Salma Moustafa
Mindmap von Salma Moustafa, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Salma Moustafa
Erstellt von Salma Moustafa vor mehr als 6 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Walking with Difficulty
  1. Anatomy of the spinal cord
      1. Spinal nerve
        1. Tracts of the spinal cord
          1. Ascending(sensory) tracts
            1. Posterior Column Tract
              1. mediates fine touch and conscious proprioception
              2. Spinothalamic tracts
                1. anterior
                  1. mediates crude touch and pressure
                  2. lateral
                    1. mediates pain and temperature
                  3. spinocerebellar tracts
                    1. unconscious proprioception
                      1. muscle tone and body posture
                    2. Sensory assessment
                      1. crude touch (cotton)
                        1. pin prick
                          1. vibration and joint position
                            1. done over the dermatomes
                          2. Descending(motor) tracts
                            1. Pyramidal tracts
                              1. skilled voluntary movement
                              2. extrapyramidal tracts
                                1. involuntary movement
                                  1. reflexes
                                    1. tone
                                      1. balance
                                    2. descending autonomic
                                2. Anatomy of the skull
                                  1. Physiology of muscle tone
                                    1. maintained by static stretch reflex
                                      1. sensory receptor
                                        1. msucle spindle
                                            1. innervated by
                                              1. afferent
                                                1. type ll nerve fibers
                                                2. efferent
                                                  1. gamma motor fibers
                                        2. UMNL and LMNL
                                          1. Motor assessment
                                            1. power
                                              1. tone
                                                1. reflexes
                                                  1. GAIT
                                                    1. 2 phases; stance and swing
                                                      1. abnormal gait
                                                        1. skeleton
                                                          1. muscles
                                                            1. nervous system
                                                              1. spastic paraparesis
                                                                1. scissots gait
                                                                2. parkinson's disease
                                                                  1. shuffling gait
                                                                  2. cerebellar
                                                                    1. a drunken gait
                                                                    2. posterior column
                                                                      1. clumsy slapping down of the feet
                                                                      2. prefrontal lobe
                                                                        1. apraxic gait
                                                                3. SYRINGOMYELIA
                                                                  1. cystic degeneration of the spinal cord
                                                                    1. C8-T1 usually
                                                                      1. compression of nerve fibres
                                                                        1. symptoms AND SIGNS
                                                                          1. detected on neurological examination
                                                                    2. CAUSES
                                                                      1. Tumor
                                                                        1. Trauma
                                                                          1. ischemia
                                                                            1. Chiari malformation
                                                                              1. types
                                                                            2. INVESTIGATION
                                                                              1. MRI
                                                                              2. MANAGEMENT
                                                                                1. type of surgery depends on the cause
                                                                                  1. ACM
                                                                                    1. bony decompression +/- shunt/aspiration
                                                                                    2. trauma
                                                                                      1. aspiration
                                                                                      2. hydrocephalus
                                                                                        1. shunt
                                                                                        2. tumor
                                                                                          1. resection of tumor
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