Shoulder Girdle


Analysis of Human Performance Mindmap am Shoulder Girdle, erstellt von Robin Decker am 19/09/2018.
Robin Decker
Mindmap von Robin Decker, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Robin Decker
Erstellt von Robin Decker vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Shoulder Girdle
  1. 5 muscles - Cause Scapular Movement


    • **All have ORIGIN ON AXIAL skeleton **All have INSERTION on the SCAPULA and/or CLAVICLE **Primary Function of girdle 1. Stabilize shoulder during static contractions2. Provide base of support for shoulder joint movement
    1. 1. Pectoralis Minor
      1. Actions: Abduction (protraction), downward rotation and depression
      2. 2. Serratus Anterior
        1. Actions: Abduction (protraction) and upward rotation
        2. 3. Trapezius
          1. Actions: Superior fibers elevation & upward rotation; Middle fibers: retraction (adduction); Inferior fibers: depression and upward rotation
          2. 4. Rhomboids
            1. Actions: Adduction (retraction), downward rotation, and elevation
            2. 5. Levator Scapulae
              1. Actions: Elevation & Downward rotation
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