Zusammenfassung der Ressource
classroom culture and climate
- Classroom culture is all the vibe and mood of the room.
- Ways to build a positive classroom
- Have high
- expect that your students will
do well and encourage them by
letting them know what you
believe in them
- Set up fair and
consistent behavior
management processes
- Teach students the behavior you expect,
give them opportunities to practice and use
positive reinforcement
- Focus on building
- The more rules you have, the
more chance there is that one of
our students is breaking a rule
at any given time
- Negotiate class expectations
- give all your students a voice in how they
think the class should operate including
what they expect from you, their teacher
- Explicity teach your expectations
- think of behaviour as another subject you
need to teach your students and be
- Reinforce students
- Specific praise reinforces the target
studetns and prompts others to do
the same
- Negotiate fair, respectful
- Have a clrear hierarchy of
consecuences that are mininful
restorative and teach students the
skills they need to get along with
others and work productively in the
- Reteach expectations
- when necessary in a new
situation or when behavior has
- Teach your class routines
- everry teacher is different and has
different ways of doing things, so you
need to teach your studetns how to
work in your classroom.
- Use effective, evidence
based teaching and
learning practices
- Be prepared for your classes
by considering your students
and how they best learn
- Encourage positive
between students
- Use respecful language and
demand a high standard of
relatiing to one another in the
- Additional Tips
- Ask different questions
- Instead of asking students if they have any
questions, ask them 'what question do you
- Do mindful breathing
- Start a class