Atoms And Molecules


Mindmap am Atoms And Molecules, erstellt von nolanhandley19 am 23/10/2014.
Mindmap von nolanhandley19, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von nolanhandley19 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Atoms And Molecules
  1. Subatomic Particles
    1. Electrons
      1. Negitive Charge
      2. Neutrons
        1. Neutral Charge(No Charge)
        2. Protons
          1. Postive Charge
        3. Ionic and Covalent Bonds
          1. Ionic Bond
            1. Attraction Between Anions and Cations(lone valence electron is transfered to a different atom)
              1. Anions
                1. Net negative Charge
                2. Cations
                  1. Net Positive Charge
                  2. Example: An uncharged Sodium atom pairs up and gives a valence electron to a charged Chloride Atom to create NaCl
                3. Covalent Bond
                  1. Sharing of Valence Electrons
                    1. Single Bond: Sharing of one pair of valence electrons
                      1. Double Bond: Sharing of two pairs of Valence electrons
                  2. Molecules
                    1. Molecule: Combination of 1 or more atoms to form a bond
                      1. H + H=H2
                      2. Compound: Combination of more than 1 element
                        1. Ex: Sodium plus Chloride=NaCl
                      3. Ions
                        1. an atom or molecule with a net electric charge ready to gain or lose one or more valence electrons
                        2. Anabolism and Catabolism
                          1. Anabolism: a process which requires energy and produces complex molecules from simpler ones
                            1. Catabolism is the breaking down of things - a series of degradative chemical reactions that break down complex molecules into smaller units, and in most cases releasing energy in the process.
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