Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- This institution is. Is a public establishment of the national order, with legal status, own and independent assets, and
administrative autonomy
- THIS INSTITUTION IS... Is a public establishment of the national order, with legal status, own and independent assets, and
administrative autonomy
- In 2018, SENA will be recognized for the effectiveness of its contributions to
decent employment and the generation of income, impacting the productivity of
individuals and companies, to indicate positively in the development of the regions
as a contribution to an educated, equitable and peaceful Colombia
- SENA is in charge of fulfilling the function that corresponds to the state to invest
in the social and technical development of Colombian workers, offering and
executing comprehensive professional training, for the incorporation and
development of people in productive activities that contribute to the development
social, economic and technological of the country
- Technical careers, short courses, virtual training, training
- comprehensive professional training to workerso to increase national productivity through this rnears
developmerit of the country under the concept o d those whoido not require atthe urbar and rural
levels, for their to the updating and improvement of integral andR expansion and barrmonious
economic Strengthen the processes comprehensive professional training that contribute to on or
promotion in productive activities of social and ed aimed at maximizing the coverage and quality of
compreh iuethods, means and strate apate in technological garn Pari ional and social research and
development activiues th onal training To fosterinternational relations ai ration of a regional system
- The SENA gives many opportuniudties to sty what is desired and accommodates the needs of each
region, and the best thing is that it is totally free