Zusammenfassung der Ressource
World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO)
- What is?
- WIPO is the global forum for
intellectual property
services, policy, information
and cooperation.
- We are a self-funding agency
of the United Nations, with 191
member states.
- Five types of intellectual
- In focus
- Activity program
- IP
- Encourages individuals
and businesses to
innovate and create.
- Policy
- Develop global IP
- Cooperation
- We help collaborate on
using IP to improve lives.
- Knowledge
- We provide the data and
economic intelligence
that enable strategic
- Technology and Innovation
Support Center (TISC)
- Provides innovators in developing
countries with access to locally
based, high quality technology
- helping them to exploit their
innovative potential and to create,
protect, and manage their IP rights.
- The Inventor
Assistance Program
- in cooperation with the
World Economic Forum
- Is the first global
program of its kind.
- It matches
developing inventors
- Country
- With limited financial means
with patent attorneys
- Who provide pro bono
legal assistance to secure
patent protection
- Small businesses