Digital Footprint


Antonio Posadas
Mindmap von Antonio Posadas, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Antonio Posadas
Erstellt von Antonio Posadas vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Digital Footprint
  1. What is a Digital Footprint
    1. Digital footprints are the records and trace left behind when browsing the internet
    2. Why do we leave digital footprints
      1. Visiting sites generates information about you that piles up
        1. Each time you visit a website the owner of the website can see your IP address which might include your geographic location
          1. Can also include web browser and operating system
          2. What is the Economic Bargain for Internet User
            1. The heavy use of a digital footprint to track users and customize content is an outgrowth of the basic economic bargain of the internet
              1. since most of the internet is funded may marketing, most companies target their audience with personalized ads
              2. Are Digital Footprints a Problem
                1. our privacy is lost as the information is seen by a advertiser
                  1. We leave behind private location like friends and family identity, where we've been, and what we think
                    1. The internet could also be lead to us being tracked
                    2. Do Different Devices Make Different Digital Footprints
                      1. Smartphones tend to leave a different a footprint than a laptops as they create more intrusive footprints
                        1. Apps connect directly to internet services and depending on the developer they choose what information gets sent out
                          1. use your precise location while using certain appsSmartphones could
                          2. How Can I Manage My Digital Footprints
                            1. In order to have a good footprint its a goof idea that you have different emails for different things, for example one for work, one for sopping and one for personal things
                              1. Be careful on what you post on social media since most apps that use your camera can most likely see where you where wen you took that since your camera can locate where you are
                                1. Theres also privacy enhancing tools that can help you protect your browser and help you see what providers are looking for out of you
                                2. Who Is Tracking Me and How Do They Do It
                                  1. The government monitors and can track but with different motivations and real conditions
                                    1. Data aggregators supposedly collect anonymous data from their partners and use it to target ads.
                                      1. Advertisers are companies that have products or services to sell. They can work directly with a publisher like a car manufacturer work with a company to sell
                                      2. What Dynamics are at Work in the World of Digital Footprints
                                        1. Cultural Theme- Each country brings to the Internet its own cultural norms, legislative and regulatory models, and economic framework
                                          1. Economic Theme- The economic dynamic gives a service provider a strong incentive to collect data, and to keep users under-informed about that aspect of the service.
                                            1. Convenience theme is helpful but privacy eroding The combination of convenience and lack of apparent harm lulls us into privacy-eroding habits
                                            2. How Does Legislation Affect Digital Footprints
                                              1. Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms both refer to the individual's right to respect for their privacy or private life, but there is no privacy or data protection law that applies everywhere in the world: no single set of data processing rules that covers all Internet services and users.
                                                1. Since the Internet does not respect national boundaries, we need to find ways of increasing the consistency of legal protection, while respecting national and cultural difference
                                                  1. Some countries and regions, such as Europe, take a rights-based approach towards data protection and privacy. Others, even if they do not take a rights-based approach, have adopted a comprehensive approach to privacy. Yet, others, such as the United States, rely on more industry-specific laws, self-regulated best practice and codes of conduct. Then, there are the countries that have no privacy laws. These differences all increase the challenge of bridging the gap between country-specific laws and the frontier-less nature of the Internet. To enable cross-border flows while protecting privacy, a number of groups of countries have reached binding or non-binding agreements. Click the image to view a list of such agreements.
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